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St John's Lutheran Church - Ambridge

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Lutheran Church
1320 Church St


St. John’s Lutheran Church is, first and foremost, a congregation of Christian believers united in Jesus Christ. Having experienced the mercy and forgiveness of God, we seek to live our lives in faithful reliance upon Him. We understand that everyone has been equipped by God with certain strengths and weaknesses, so we seek to support each other when we fall short and build one another up in our faith. St. John’s has our heritage in the Lutheran tradition. As such, we are governed by the principles which were born out of the Lutheran Reformation. One of these principles is called Sola Scriptura, or “by Scripture alone”. We believe that the Bible is the one and only divinely inspired book and that it is the only source of knowledge about God and His revealed will. In every area of faith and practice, we recognize that we are to submit to the authority of the Scriptures and make them our rule in all circumstances. St. John’s has a rich history in the community of Ambridge. Our church is located on the site of the original Harmonist church and our congregation has been a part of Ambridge almost as long as the borough has been incorporated. Despite the city and the church experiencing many ups and downs over the years, St. John’s is excited to be a part of this communities’ bright future. We strive to recognize the needs of our neighbors and we seek to serve them with mercy and kindness, living out the command of Jesus to “love your neighbor as yourself.”

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