Fawn property owners are nearing three decades without a property tax increase in the township.

Supervisors this week approved a nearly $1.8 million budget that keeps the tax rate at 3.04 mills.

It is the 27th consecutive year without an increase.

The owner of a home with the township’s median assessed value of $72,750 will again pay about $221.

“We only spend if we need to,” Secretary/Treasurer Pam Ponsart said. “We’re very careful.”

Spending is conservative, as not much outside the regular, day-to-day expenses is included in the budget.

“There won’t be any projects planned at least until summer when we see what kind of grants we can apply for,” she said.

If Ponsart had her way, she would upgrade the windows in the aging municipal building.

Supervisors were able to replace the 50-year-old roof this year and the parking lot.

Depending on available funding, the board might consider improvements at the municipal park that shares property with the township building along Howes Run Road. The site has a tennis court, basketball court and pavilion.

“There’s usually a lot of money for parks and rec, so we’d like to maybe get another pavilion or a restroom in the park,” Ponsart said.

Unless major funding comes through, landslide remediation along Sun Mine Road will remain on hold.

Costs are expected to top $1 million to fix a 150-foot section of the road that crumbled near the split with Thompson Road.

The township previously was denied a $600,000 grant through the Federal Emergency Management Agency.

“Unless something big comes through, that work won’t be happening this year,” Ponsart said.