Coronavirus Threat: Here's One Thing You Can Do JOEL FUHRMAN, M.D. With Super Immunity, learn how to protect yourself and your family from: Colds Flu YViruses Congestion Fevers Y Sore Throats YInfections VEven Cancer SUPER ONLY $4.95 SPECIAL OFFER! WITH THIS IMMUNITY Inside, you'll discover how to: Live Longer Reduce Disease Risk Boost Your Immunity Fight Infections This book could, literally, SAVE YOUR LIFE! NO SHOTS - NO DRUGS - NO SICK DAYS Coughing, sneezing., and sore throats the cold and flu season is here. And now there's an even bigger and more imminent threat to your health: coronavirus. Joel Fuhrman, M.D, is a boand-certified family phyician and nutritional rescancher who specializes in preventing and reversing discase. He says he has discovered bow to improve the protective power of the immune sytem by boosting it naturally, mcaning no drugs Dr. Fuhrman is one of the nation's most respected holistik medical doctors and a New York Times bestselling author. He is currently hosting the popular PRS program "The Immunity Solution" and authoed the bestselling bok Super Immanity. Dingros and dkadly, the virus is spreading arund the world ke wikdfire and it's here in the Unined Seatest Death tolls are mounting The CDC is raising the red flag, insisting it's a question of when not In his book, Dr. Fuheman reveals the 3 secrets to never getting if this will specad widely acron America. skck again, and the simple things people can do no shickd cheir bodies from disease Think about the people who travel abroad, botled up in germ ridden airplanes foe hous on end. Look around you nest time you're in a crowded store, at church, or at the movies. Dr. Fuhrman says by following his advice a peron can supercharg their immune system to the point where it actually fights agaimt One cough is all ir taks for an army of coronavirus droplets to spew infection. everywhere. Touch a uurface the microscopic droplets have landed on and you just gave the virus a free ride inno your body. The 3 powerful secrets to never gerting sick again, revealed in Super Immunity, are intended to show people how they can erain their Make no mistake: at this moment there's no vaccine for it. But there body's immune system so wand off coldh, coughs, congestion, sore is good news! throats, fever, infections, the flu and dangerous viruses. You can improve your immunity system against all germs! Dr. Fuhrman says when his parients began implementing his 3 secrets to never gering sick inmo their lifestyle, the health results were extraordinary Besides washing your hands repeatedily, aveiding touching your mouth, nove, or oyen, nd refraining from being in public places as often as powible, there's one thing people of ali ages overlook "It is poible to handly ever get sick, and boosting your body's defenses to the level of uper immunity can save your life" Protect yourself from all germs You need to bohter your immune sytem - make sure your buitin armor is as strong as it can be..and resistant so terrible bup like germs, bacteria and vinnes. and viruses and discover the 3 secrets to never getting sick again. By powering up your immune system you also protect yourself apina the lu- another potentially deadly virus. On average, S to 20 of the LUS. population will get the fle cach year. About 200.000 is the average number of Americans hospitalized cach year from the illnes, and up to 43000 people die from flu related complication. Get Dr. Fuhrman's Super Immunity for ONLY $4.95 FREE OFFER Dr. Fuhrman says by following his advice: your immunity in his new book, Super Immunity. Dr. Fuhrman brings you practical ways to improve To get your copy of Super Immunity, check out this special offer-and save almost $40! CCa person can supercharge their im ystem to the point where it actually denies infection.9) Online: Phone: (800) 218-7204 Seebte fores condtons and elgby ore oe Coronavirus Threat: Here's One Thing You Can Do JOEL FUHRMAN, M.D. With Super Immunity, learn how to protect yourself and your family from: Colds Flu YViruses Congestion Fevers Y Sore Throats YInfections VEven Cancer SUPER ONLY $4.95 SPECIAL OFFER! WITH THIS IMMUNITY Inside, you'll discover how to: Live Longer Reduce Disease Risk Boost Your Immunity Fight Infections This book could, literally, SAVE YOUR LIFE! NO SHOTS - NO DRUGS - NO SICK DAYS Coughing, sneezing., and sore throats the cold and flu season is here. And now there's an even bigger and more imminent threat to your health: coronavirus. Joel Fuhrman, M.D, is a boand-certified family phyician and nutritional rescancher who specializes in preventing and reversing discase. He says he has discovered bow to improve the protective power of the immune sytem by boosting it naturally, mcaning no drugs Dr. Fuhrman is one of the nation's most respected holistik medical doctors and a New York Times bestselling author. He is currently hosting the popular PRS program "The Immunity Solution" and authoed the bestselling bok Super Immanity. Dingros and dkadly, the virus is spreading arund the world ke wikdfire and it's here in the Unined Seatest Death tolls are mounting The CDC is raising the red flag, insisting it's a question of when not In his book, Dr. Fuheman reveals the 3 secrets to never getting if this will specad widely acron America. skck again, and the simple things people can do no shickd cheir bodies from disease Think about the people who travel abroad, botled up in germ ridden airplanes foe hous on end. Look around you nest time you're in a crowded store, at church, or at the movies. Dr. Fuhrman says by following his advice a peron can supercharg their immune system to the point where it actually fights agaimt One cough is all ir taks for an army of coronavirus droplets to spew infection. everywhere. Touch a uurface the microscopic droplets have landed on and you just gave the virus a free ride inno your body. The 3 powerful secrets to never gerting sick again, revealed in Super Immunity, are intended to show people how they can erain their Make no mistake: at this moment there's no vaccine for it. But there body's immune system so wand off coldh, coughs, congestion, sore is good news! throats, fever, infections, the flu and dangerous viruses. You can improve your immunity system against all germs! Dr. Fuhrman says when his parients began implementing his 3 secrets to never gering sick inmo their lifestyle, the health results were extraordinary Besides washing your hands repeatedily, aveiding touching your mouth, nove, or oyen, nd refraining from being in public places as often as powible, there's one thing people of ali ages overlook "It is poible to handly ever get sick, and boosting your body's defenses to the level of uper immunity can save your life" Protect yourself from all germs You need to bohter your immune sytem - make sure your buitin armor is as strong as it can be..and resistant so terrible bup like germs, bacteria and vinnes. and viruses and discover the 3 secrets to never getting sick again. By powering up your immune system you also protect yourself apina the lu- another potentially deadly virus. On average, S to 20 of the LUS. population will get the fle cach year. About 200.000 is the average number of Americans hospitalized cach year from the illnes, and up to 43000 people die from flu related complication. Get Dr. Fuhrman's Super Immunity for ONLY $4.95 FREE OFFER Dr. Fuhrman says by following his advice: your immunity in his new book, Super Immunity. Dr. Fuhrman brings you practical ways to improve To get your copy of Super Immunity, check out this special offer-and save almost $40! CCa person can supercharge their im ystem to the point where it actually denies infection.9) Online: Phone: (800) 218-7204 Seebte fores condtons and elgby ore oe