This is how far we'll go to detect lung cancer. It's five millimeters in size. inch 08 Brian Lace, MD, and Michael Szwerc, MD, Westmoreland Area Advanced Lung Center Less than a quarter inch and a chest X-ray can't see it. Independence Health System uses the latest low-dose CT scanners and advanced visualization to detect and treat lung cancer at its earliest stage, leading to more treatment options and potentially better outcomes. Independence Health System combines the latest technology and techniques with superb physician expertise for the treatment of lung cancer. For patients, it means shorter procedures, less postoperative recovery time and less risk for complications. Early, accurate and advanced detection and therapy. All key in the fight against lung cancer. And all available at Independence Health System. Expert Care. Here. Independence HEALTH SYSTEM Find out if you qualify for a lung cancer screening. Call 724-689-1440, scan the QR code, or visit www.Independence.Health/LungScreening adno=361207 This is how far we'll go to detect lung cancer . It's five millimeters in size . inch 08 Brian Lace , MD , and Michael Szwerc , MD , Westmoreland Area Advanced Lung Center Less than a quarter inch and a chest X - ray can't see it . Independence Health System uses the latest low - dose CT scanners and advanced visualization to detect and treat lung cancer at its earliest stage , leading to more treatment options and potentially better outcomes . Independence Health System combines the latest technology and techniques with superb physician expertise for the treatment of lung cancer . For patients , it means shorter procedures , less postoperative recovery time and less risk for complications . Early , accurate and advanced detection and therapy . All key in the fight against lung cancer . And all available at Independence Health System . Expert Care . Here . Independence HEALTH SYSTEM Find out if you qualify for a lung cancer screening . Call 724-689-1440 , scan the QR code , or visit www.Independence.Health/LungScreening adno = 361207