VSO WESTMORELAND SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA Nuevo Jango March 26, 2022 7:30PM - The Palace Theatre, Greensburg Chee-Yun plays Piazzolla's The Four Seasons of Buenos Aires and the vibrant musical evening includes Arriaga's Symphony in D Major and Turina's The Bullfighter 's Prayer Morgan Stanley ADTC pennsylvania OLACI ONnE A re ALMEE RLISINIKO KAKOS FOUNDATION TICKETS 724.837.1850 WESTMORELANDSYMPHONY.ORG adno-220108 V3 VSO WESTMORELAND SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA Nuevo Jango March 26, 2022 7:30PM - The Palace Theatre, Greensburg Chee-Yun plays Piazzolla's The Four Seasons of Buenos Aires and the vibrant musical evening includes Arriaga's Symphony in D Major and Turina's The Bullfighter 's Prayer Morgan Stanley ADTC pennsylvania OLACI ONnE A re ALMEE RLISINIKO KAKOS FOUNDATION TICKETS 724.837.1850 WESTMORELANDSYMPHONY.ORG adno-220108 V3