AVOID BACK SURGERY AVOID EPIDURAL INJECTIONS AVOID NARCOTIC PAIN PILLS RELIEF!!! BACK PAIN-LEG PAIN-HIP PAIN-NUMBNESS/TINGLING Be Seen TODAY!!! BACK URGERY EPIDURAL INJECTIONS NARCOTIC PAIN PILLS Dr. Vactor has saved countless North Hills area back pain sufferers from succumbing to often unnecessary & unsuccessful surgery. Utilizing "NON-SURGICAL" FDA cleared Spinal Decompression Dr. Vactor utilizes the latest non-invasive" techniques to provide lasting RELIEF. $27 Decrompression Consultation and First Treatment if Qualified. Best Medical Professional in Butler Co. Ooor Avad GOLD (Exam, X-Rays, and Therapies billed to your insurance company) Value $300 Expiration 5/1/22 S. Vactor, DC Harmony Family Chiropractic CALL 724-452-7304 TODAY! Oe SILVER Best L- Chiropractor Dr. Michael adno=222893 BE-1512678 AVOID BACK SURGERY AVOID EPIDURAL INJECTIONS AVOID NARCOTIC PAIN PILLS RELIEF!!! BACK PAIN-LEG PAIN-HIP PAIN-NUMBNESS/TINGLING Be Seen TODAY!!! BACK URGERY EPIDURAL INJECTIONS NARCOTIC PAIN PILLS Dr. Vactor has saved countless North Hills area back pain sufferers from succumbing to often unnecessary & unsuccessful surgery. Utilizing "NON-SURGICAL" FDA cleared Spinal Decompression Dr. Vactor utilizes the latest non-invasive" techniques to provide lasting RELIEF. $27 Decrompression Consultation and First Treatment if Qualified. Best Medical Professional in Butler Co. Ooor Avad GOLD (Exam, X-Rays, and Therapies billed to your insurance company) Value $300 Expiration 5/1/22 S. Vactor, DC Harmony Family Chiropractic CALL 724-452-7304 TODAY! Oe SILVER Best L- Chiropractor Dr. Michael adno=222893 BE-1512678