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Kitchen Tune-Up - Greater Pittsburgh East

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Kitchen Remodeler
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Your kitchen is the heart of your home and serves as a functional hub and beautiful backdrop for creating lasting memories. With over 35 years of uplifting kitchens, we are passionate about creating a collaborative experience with a commitment to quality products and options that fit a range of investment levels and timelines. We offer 8 different services from Cabinet Refacing, Cabinet Redooring, Cabinet Painting, Cabinet Refinishing, Custom Cabinets, Full Kitchen Remodeling, Custom Kitchen, and the Original 1-day Tune-Up. During your consultation, your expert Kitchen Consultant will listen to your needs and help determine which of our core services are right for you. Our goal is to make this process easy, efficient and one that fits your needs! Your kitchen project, your style and your design are of utmost importance to us at Kitchen Tune-Up. In order to ensure we are doing everything we can to deliver for you, we have set high expectations for our customer service. We apply our trustpoints to every kitchen project to ensure your expectations are not only met, but exceeded. It's our priority to guarantee that you have total confidence in our ability to take care of YOU and your home. My wife, Cherie and I are excited to be in business together creating beautiful kitchens and serving the communities that I grew up in. With family roots in this community dating back to before the French and Indian War, this area is truly home to me and my three children. While I studied architectural engineering at Penn State, I ended up as a business executive with a robotics company until recently and I'm thrilled to be getting back to my passion of creating beautiful and functional spaces for people to enjoy.