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    March 14, 2024
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CELEBRATE Easter at Calvin Presbyterian Church ttt JESUS IS RISEN! HE IS RISEN INDEED! EASTER WEEK EVENTS: MARCH 29 - Good Friday Service (7:00 p.m.) MARCH 30 - Easter Egg Hunt & Celebration for Kids Ages 3-12 and Families (10:00a.m. to Noon). Egg hunts by age, crafts, songs, games and snacks (rain or shine). MARCH 31 - Easter Sunday Breakfast, (9:00 a.m.) Easter Morning Worship, (10:15 a.m.) More information: or or call 724-863-1192. Calvin SIGN UP Presbyterian Church FOR OUR 260 Maus Dr., North Huntingdon, PA EASTER EGG HUNT>> CELEBRATE Easter at Calvin Presbyterian Church ttt JESUS IS RISEN ! HE IS RISEN INDEED ! EASTER WEEK EVENTS : MARCH 29 - Good Friday Service ( 7:00 p.m. ) MARCH 30 - Easter Egg Hunt & Celebration for Kids Ages 3-12 and Families ( 10:00 a.m . to Noon ) . Egg hunts by age , crafts , songs , games and snacks ( rain or shine ) . MARCH 31 - Easter Sunday Breakfast , ( 9:00 a.m. ) Easter Morning Worship , ( 10:15 a.m. ) More information : or or call 724-863-1192 . Calvin SIGN UP Presbyterian Church FOR OUR 260 Maus Dr. , North Huntingdon , PA EASTER EGG HUNT >>