SUPER BINGO BINGO 1428405361 1227415069 294971 445665 366070 SAVE THE DATE BINGO 1428405361 1227415069 5 29 4971 6 17445665 3 213660 70 SUNDAY-NOV-12TH St. Mary's Byzantine Catholic Church St. Mary's Centre ---Route 981 in Trauger Doors open at 12:00 Games start at 2:00 Tickets cost $30 for 25 games Includes first set of cards, specials, & a light lunch Extra cards, Specials and WTA Quickie may be purchased at Admission Call 412--526--0285 or 724--787--5631 for tickets. Opportunities for Basket Raffle; 50/50; Instant Tickets; Lottery Tree Pre-Orders Only - taken for Halupki & Halushki! Halupki: 6 for $15, 12 for $25; Halushki: $8.00 a Quart 30803 SUPER BINGO BINGO 1428405361 1227415069 294971 445665 366070 SAVE THE DATE BINGO 1428405361 1227415069 5 29 4971 6 17445665 3 213660 70 SUNDAY - NOV - 12TH St. Mary's Byzantine Catholic Church St. Mary's Centre --- Route 981 in Trauger Doors open at 12:00 Games start at 2:00 Tickets cost $ 30 for 25 games Includes first set of cards , specials , & a light lunch Extra cards , Specials and WTA Quickie may be purchased at Admission Call 412--526--0285 or 724--787--5631 for tickets . Opportunities for Basket Raffle ; 50/50 ; Instant Tickets ; Lottery Tree Pre - Orders Only - taken for Halupki & Halushki ! Halupki : 6 for $ 15 , 12 for $ 25 ; Halushki : $ 8.00 a Quart 30803