Ligonier Valley Chamber of Commerce

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The Ligonier Valley Chamber of Commerce is a community builder. We focus on ways to make the community a better place to work, live and visit. We focus on making Ligonier’s businesses stronger and we focus on fostering an environment where business can prosper. In many ways, the success of Ligonier is directly tied to the success of its business community. And the success of the Ligonier Valley Chamber is directly tied to its membership base. If you’re not a member, we encourage you to join! We’re a voluntary association of concerned business, professionals and other community-spirited citizens, who pool our resources, manpower and collective wisdom for the benefit of the entire Ligonier Valley. The Ligonier Valley Chamber of Commerce is the place where visitors, new residents, business people and others make their first impression of the quality and hospitality of the area. The Ligonier Valley Chamber of Commerce advances and promotes civic, commercial, recreational, historical, educational and environmental interests to the benefit of the Ligonier Valley, Pennsylvania.