Lower Burrell Allegheny Twp 724.335.4700 724.845.4700 Sarver 724.295.4700 CENTURY 21. American Heritage Realty Open Sunday 7/16, 1-3pm New Listing! 422 7th St Ext, New Kensington 380, 1.5 bath brick home, Living mm. DR, and nice family mm. Covered back porch, I car grge. $185.000 Nicole Price Reduced! 724.681.6525 Open Sunday 7/16, 11am-1pm 3531 State Route 819, Bell Twp 131 Argonne Dr, New Kensington 803 both home on 789 acres Country itchen tomar LR OR 8025 both updated home. Nice seed UR and DR Main and sound 5 s Front and side poches 2 cagge. SBR. Covered front porch. Over szed detached gre $365,000 MLS#1600516 $219,900 MLS#1610924 Lori W-1 724.396.4733 Dione 724.205.1823 Open Saturday 7/22, 11am-1pm 1212 Forest, New Kensington 380.1.5 both homeg hving m, DR. and eat in chen Freshly painted Covered side porch, I car detached gige $119.000 Angela Open Sunday 7/16, 1-3 pm Price Reduced! Featured Home! New Listing! Land South Buffalo Twp Residentiallo on 3,54 acres Private drive MLS#1604964 $55,000 724.944.3487 Brian Featured Home! EL MLS#1613272 724.664.2126 West Leechburg Murrysville Murrysville 480 3.5 bath home Lg LR, formal DR. and huge kitchen 389,25 both townhome. New construction Open plan 389,25 both townhome New construction Openplan Family tog deck Fished LL w/replace. car gige Shaker kitchen wisand Deck and spacious yard 2 car grge Shokerchen wsland. Deck and spacious yard 2 car rge $299,900 MLS#1600298 $369.900 MLS#1601956 $364,900 MLS#1601954 Lori W-T 724.396.4733 Gary 724.462.8186 Gary 724.462.8186 CENTURY 21(21 21 Amican Herita Realty 7-335 00 LES CO Worthines Mary Ann Tegethoff, Bridget Fogarty, Ponti Garrigan, Quandra Nickol, Kim Reynolds (Missing: Lori Weig-Tomasy, Bobby Bucc Janet Ryan, Broker/Owner of CENTURY 21 American Heritage Realty announces the June 2023 AGENTS of the MONTH. These individuals are recognized not just for productivity but for being an exceptional "all around" agent, who gets rave reviews from their clients based on National Surveys, consistently attends meetings and classes to further their knowledge in an effort to better serve the Buyers and Sellers they represent and are active volunteers in their community. "Hats off" to Patti Garrigan who retains the coveted Company CENTURION award for consistent high standards. Company-wide leaders are Lori Weig-Tamasy in Allegheny Township and Bridget Fogarty in Sarver. In the individual offices, the Lower Burrell leaders of the month are Quandra Nickols and Kim Reynolds. At the Sarver office, Bridget fogarty and Mary Ann Tegethoff share the honor of being office leaders and in the Allegheny Township office, the leaders of the month are Lori Weig-Tamasy and Bobby Bucci. Congratulations to you all! Lower Burrell Allegheny Twp 724.335.4700 724.845.4700 Sarver 724.295.4700 CENTURY 21 . American Heritage Realty Open Sunday 7/16 , 1-3pm New Listing ! 422 7th St Ext , New Kensington 380 , 1.5 bath brick home , Living mm . DR , and nice family mm . Covered back porch , I car grge . $ 185.000 Nicole Price Reduced ! 724.681.6525 Open Sunday 7/16 , 11 am-1pm 3531 State Route 819 , Bell Twp 131 Argonne Dr , New Kensington 803 both home on 789 acres Country itchen tomar LR OR 8025 both updated home . Nice seed UR and DR Main and sound 5 s Front and side poches 2 cagge . SBR . Covered front porch . Over szed detached gre $ 365,000 MLS # 1600516 $ 219,900 MLS # 1610924 Lori W - 1 724.396.4733 Dione 724.205.1823 Open Saturday 7/22 , 11 am-1pm 1212 Forest , New Kensington 380.1.5 both homeg hving m , DR . and eat in chen Freshly painted Covered side porch , I car detached gige $ 119.000 Angela Open Sunday 7/16 , 1-3 pm Price Reduced ! Featured Home ! New Listing ! Land South Buffalo Twp Residentiallo on 3,54 acres Private drive MLS # 1604964 $ 55,000 724.944.3487 Brian Featured Home ! EL MLS # 1613272 724.664.2126 West Leechburg Murrysville Murrysville 480 3.5 bath home Lg LR , formal DR . and huge kitchen 389,25 both townhome . New construction Open plan 389,25 both townhome New construction Openplan Family tog deck Fished LL w / replace. car gige Shaker kitchen wisand Deck and spacious yard 2 car grge Shokerchen wsland . Deck and spacious yard 2 car rge $ 299,900 MLS # 1600298 $ 369.900 MLS # 1601956 $ 364,900 MLS # 1601954 Lori W - T 724.396.4733 Gary 724.462.8186 Gary 724.462.8186 CENTURY 21 ( 21 21 Amican Herita Realty 7-335 00 LES CO Worthines Mary Ann Tegethoff , Bridget Fogarty , Ponti Garrigan , Quandra Nickol , Kim Reynolds ( Missing : Lori Weig - Tomasy , Bobby Bucc Janet Ryan , Broker / Owner of CENTURY 21 American Heritage Realty announces the June 2023 AGENTS of the MONTH . These individuals are recognized not just for productivity but for being an exceptional " all around " agent , who gets rave reviews from their clients based on National Surveys , consistently attends meetings and classes to further their knowledge in an effort to better serve the Buyers and Sellers they represent and are active volunteers in their community . " Hats off " to Patti Garrigan who retains the coveted Company CENTURION award for consistent high standards . Company - wide leaders are Lori Weig - Tamasy in Allegheny Township and Bridget Fogarty in Sarver . In the individual offices , the Lower Burrell leaders of the month are Quandra Nickols and Kim Reynolds . At the Sarver office , Bridget fogarty and Mary Ann Tegethoff share the honor of being office leaders and in the Allegheny Township office , the leaders of the month are Lori Weig - Tamasy and Bobby Bucci . Congratulations to you all !