Lower Burrell Allegheny Twp 724.335.4700 724.845.4700 Sarver 724.295.4700 CENTURY 21. American Heritage Realty Price Reduced! Featured Home! New Listing! Cheswick New Kensington 382 both ranch home on 1.5 acres Updated kitchen and unit property, Units on 3foon Whop around porch, fenced both LR. DR and finished LL Nice book porch and 1 car grge yard and 3 cor grge. Many updates and seperate te $214,900 MLS#1625744 $349,000 724.980.0730 Potti Potti Indiana Twp Lower Burrell 389,2 bath branch on 50 acres Updated kitchen, DR, and 281 bath ranch home Move in seady with paint, new LR Main Mbundy family m Covered deck and 1 cor gipe ighting itchen wis appliances and more 2 car grge $254.900 MLS#1638225 $240,000 724.980.0730 Bridget Potti Featured Property! Multi-Unit Apollo 38025 both home. Formal DR. LR and nice sized kitch en soundly and master. Lg deck and private yard $160.000 MLS#1619052 $129,900 Lo W.1 724.396.4733 Kim R New Listing! New Kensington both brick home. Spacious fenced backyard Covered patio Enclosed 1 cor grge could be reopened MLS#1603943 $189.900 724.980.0730 Quandra Featured Property! Upper Burrell Zoned RA 72x32 building wlots of potential Upper openxoffice space. Lower M con Featured Home! MLS#1637558 724.448.9645 MLS#1632836 412.445.3166 We would like you to meet Angela who has been in the real estate business for over 10 years. Her years of experience in the food service industry has given her a wealth of experience in customer service which she has carried over, assisting Buyers in finding their dreams and meeting their needs! Residing in the Upper Burrell area she has raised two adult children and anxiously awaits her first grandchild in the Spring. Angela and her husband like to travel, including weekend adventures, camping and antiquing. She master Flower shop store front and work space in basement truly values the friendships she has forged with many of her clients and hopes she can add you to that list. Angela looks forward to your call, she aims to please! Kiskiminestas Twp 382, 1 2 home DR kitchen t escas MLS#1616451 724.448 2583 Cindy $110.000 MLS#1600659 412.396.1241 Angela Watson 724-994-3487 Featured Property! Lower Burrell Allegheny Twp 724.335.4700 724.845.4700 Sarver 724.295.4700 CENTURY 21 . American Heritage Realty Price Reduced ! Featured Home ! New Listing ! Cheswick New Kensington 382 both ranch home on 1.5 acres Updated kitchen and unit property , Units on 3foon Whop around porch , fenced both LR . DR and finished LL Nice book porch and 1 car grge yard and 3 cor grge . Many updates and seperate te $ 214,900 MLS # 1625744 $ 349,000 724.980.0730 Potti Potti Indiana Twp Lower Burrell 389,2 bath branch on 50 acres Updated kitchen , DR , and 281 bath ranch home Move in seady with paint , new LR Main Mbundy family m Covered deck and 1 cor gipe ighting itchen wis appliances and more 2 car grge $ 254.900 MLS # 1638225 $ 240,000 724.980.0730 Bridget Potti Featured Property ! Multi - Unit Apollo 38025 both home . Formal DR . LR and nice sized kitch en soundly and master . Lg deck and private yard $ 160.000 MLS # 1619052 $ 129,900 Lo W.1 724.396.4733 Kim R New Listing ! New Kensington both brick home . Spacious fenced backyard Covered patio Enclosed 1 cor grge could be reopened MLS # 1603943 $ 189.900 724.980.0730 Quandra Featured Property ! Upper Burrell Zoned RA 72x32 building wlots of potential Upper openxoffice space . Lower M con Featured Home ! MLS # 1637558 724.448.9645 MLS # 1632836 412.445.3166 We would like you to meet Angela who has been in the real estate business for over 10 years . Her years of experience in the food service industry has given her a wealth of experience in customer service which she has carried over , assisting Buyers in finding their dreams and meeting their needs ! Residing in the Upper Burrell area she has raised two adult children and anxiously awaits her first grandchild in the Spring . Angela and her husband like to travel , including weekend adventures , camping and antiquing . She master Flower shop store front and work space in basement truly values the friendships she has forged with many of her clients and hopes she can add you to that list . Angela looks forward to your call , she aims to please ! Kiskiminestas Twp 382 , 1 2 home DR kitchen t escas MLS # 1616451 724.448 2583 Cindy $ 110.000 MLS # 1600659 412.396.1241 Angela Watson 724-994-3487 Featured Property !