Maintain high standards of our Academic & Vocational Programs Provide students with safe learning environments to Excel Susan DeLaney Valerie Warning THE VOICE FOR ALL GATEWAY STUDENTS! Offering a FREE Pre-K Program for qualifying families Ongoing & transparent communication with fellow School Board members, parents, residents, stakeholders, students and staff odno 284797 Paid Advertisement -AND- For Additional Information Or To Contact The Candidates, Please Go To: VOTE EARLY BY MAIL OR AT THE POLLS ON TUESDAY, MAY 16, 2023 PAID FOR BY THE CANDIDATES Maintain high standards of our Academic & Vocational Programs Provide students with safe learning environments to Excel Susan DeLaney Valerie Warning THE VOICE FOR ALL GATEWAY STUDENTS ! Offering a FREE Pre - K Program for qualifying families Ongoing & transparent communication with fellow School Board members , parents , residents , stakeholders , students and staff odno 284797 Paid Advertisement -AND For Additional Information Or To Contact The Candidates , Please Go To : VOTE EARLY BY MAIL OR AT THE POLLS ON TUESDAY , MAY 16 , 2023 PAID FOR BY THE CANDIDATES