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    October 27, 2021
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Degmet Dare TO DREAM AN INVESTMENT IN THE FUTURE OUR LADY of the We are proud to offer an exceptional Catholic educational experience that is rooted in values, preparing students for success! SACRED HEART HIGH SCHOOL JOIN US for OPEN HOUSE NOV. 7 or 10 REGISTER at WWw.OLSH.ORG BE KNOWN. BE TRANSFORMED. BE INSPIRED. | OLSH is a ministry of the Felician Sisters | www.olsh.org adno=202059 Degmet Dare TO DREAM AN INVESTMENT IN THE FUTURE OUR LADY of the We are proud to offer an exceptional Catholic educational experience that is rooted in values, preparing students for success! SACRED HEART HIGH SCHOOL JOIN US for OPEN HOUSE NOV. 7 or 10 REGISTER at WWw.OLSH.ORG BE KNOWN. BE TRANSFORMED. BE INSPIRED. | OLSH is a ministry of the Felician Sisters | www.olsh.org adno=202059