Miracle-Ear SPECIAL SAVINGS Wanted! 2 FOR $995* Miracle-Ear Hearing Aid Center is looking for qualified people to test their latest product, the Miracle-Ear RIC! Discreet Hearing Aid - Miracle-Ear MINIM CIC Mention Code: 190AR0502X "May not be combined with other offers and does not apply to prior purchases. Offer applies to the Miracle- Ear MINI Level 1 CIC hearing aid only. Cash value 1/20 cent. Offer expires 5/23/2024. Miracle-Ear We Accept Insurance Plans! Miracle Ear TOP RATED CONSUMERATARS 75+ Here's the catch: You must have difficulty hearing and understanding in background noise, and your hearing must fall in the range of the hearing aid. People that are selected will evaluate Miracle-Ear's latest advanced digital hearing. You will be able to walk in to our office and walk out hearing! Candidates will be asked to evaluate our instruments for 30 days. At the end of the 30 days, if you are satisfied with the improvement in your hearing and wish to keep the instrument, you may do so at a tremendous savings! But this is only for a limited time! You must schedule your appointment during this Special Hearing Event! YEARS OF SOUND For a limited time, we are offering a 100% FREE Trial." Take our hearing aids home for FREE with no money down and no obligation. Call to schedule your FREE Hearing Evaluation. NORTH HUNTINGDON 724-790-4968 8981 Norwin Ave, Ste 101 www.Miracle-Ear.com/Huntingdon PA GREENSBURG 724-790-4959 125 Nature Park Rd, Ste C www.Miracle-Ear.com/GreensburgPA We are a proud sponsor of the Miracle-Ear Foundation Gift of Sound program. We make a donation for every purchase to help local children and adults hear better! **If you are not completely satisfied, the aids may Miracle-Ear Foundation be returned to the office of oral within trial pe Promo Code: 190AR0502X See store for details adno-332712 V3 Miracle - Ear SPECIAL SAVINGS Wanted ! 2 FOR $ 995 * Miracle - Ear Hearing Aid Center is looking for qualified people to test their latest product , the Miracle - Ear RIC ! Discreet Hearing Aid - Miracle - Ear MINI M CIC Mention Code : 190AR0502X " May not be combined with other offers and does not apply to prior purchases . Offer applies to the Miracle- Ear MINI Level 1 CIC hearing aid only . Cash value 1/20 cent . Offer expires 5/23/2024 . Miracle - Ear We Accept Insurance Plans ! Miracle Ear TOP RATED CONSUMERATARS 75+ Here's the catch : You must have difficulty hearing and understanding in background noise , and your hearing must fall in the range of the hearing aid . People that are selected will evaluate Miracle - Ear's latest advanced digital hearing . You will be able to walk in to our office and walk out hearing ! Candidates will be asked to evaluate our instruments for 30 days . At the end of the 30 days , if you are satisfied with the improvement in your hearing and wish to keep the instrument , you may do so at a tremendous savings ! But this is only for a limited time ! You must schedule your appointment during this Special Hearing Event ! YEARS OF SOUND For a limited time , we are offering a 100 % FREE Trial . " Take our hearing aids home for FREE with no money down and no obligation . Call to schedule your FREE Hearing Evaluation . NORTH HUNTINGDON 724-790-4968 8981 Norwin Ave , Ste 101 www.Miracle-Ear.com/Huntingdon PA GREENSBURG 724-790-4959 125 Nature Park Rd , Ste C www.Miracle-Ear.com/GreensburgPA We are a proud sponsor of the Miracle - Ear Foundation Gift of Sound program . We make a donation for every purchase to help local children and adults hear better ! ** If you are not completely satisfied , the aids may Miracle - Ear Foundation be returned to the office of oral within trial pe Promo Code : 190AR0502X See store for details adno - 332712 V3