Vintage Real Estate LLC - Stacey Larkin

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Real Estate Agents


Taking Home Ownership from Dream to Reality Stacey was born and raised in the Pittsburgh area, however, college took her out of state. After living 35 years in the Tampa Bay area, and raising a family, Stacey and her husband decided to return to their stomping grounds. With a real estate license in both Florida and Pennsylvania, Stacey feels quite comfortable helping families in both of these states achieve their dream of home ownership and not only helping them overcome obstacles that may arise in the process but guiding them every step of the way. This process can sometimes feel overwhelming and frustrating but with Stacey's confidence and knowledge, she is able to guide her clients straight to the finish line and to the closing table. When it comes to selling properties, Stacey knows how to use the resources available through social media and MLS to set the listing price competitively and sell the property efficiently.