TWO GREAT PLACES IN ETNA! ETNA SLICE HOUSE Rear End GASTROPUB & GARAGE 376 Butler St 412.409.9022 $5 OFF! ORDERS OF $25 OR MORE 399 Butler St 412.409.9080 ETNA SLICE HOUSE Rear End GASTROPUB & GARAGE *must present coupon, limit one coupon per table/order. Copies and facsimiles not accepted. Coupon good at both Rear End Gastropub and Etna Slice House. TWO GREAT PLACES IN ETNA ! ETNA SLICE HOUSE Rear End GASTROPUB & GARAGE 376 Butler St 412.409.9022 $ 5 OFF ! ORDERS OF $ 25 OR MORE 399 Butler St 412.409.9080 ETNA SLICE HOUSE Rear End GASTROPUB & GARAGE * must present coupon , limit one coupon per table / order . Copies and facsimiles not accepted . Coupon good at both Rear End Gastropub and Etna Slice House .