BE FUTUR KIDS GET IN FREE this holiday season! Spend the holidays at the Heinz History Center, the "Smithsonian's home in Pittsburgh!" Explore Pittsburgh's holiday traditions in the new A Very Merry Pittsburgh experience, visit Mister Rogers' Neighborhood, and throw a touchdown pass to legendary Steelers in the Sports Museum. It's all FREE for kids! PRESENTED BY SENATOR JOHN HEINZ HISTORY CENTER LLoward Tannas e Est Senvees IN ASSOCIATION WITH THE SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION 57 EINZ OMATO ICHUP BE FUTUR KIDS GET IN FREE this holiday season! Spend the holidays at the Heinz History Center, the "Smithsonian's home in Pittsburgh!" Explore Pittsburgh's holiday traditions in the new A Very Merry Pittsburgh experience, visit Mister Rogers' Neighborhood, and throw a touchdown pass to legendary Steelers in the Sports Museum. It's all FREE for kids! PRESENTED BY SENATOR JOHN HEINZ HISTORY CENTER LLoward Tannas e Est Senvees IN ASSOCIATION WITH THE SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION 57 EINZ OMATO ICHUP