YOUR JOURNEY. OUR MISSION. WE ARE IN THIS TOGETHER Your path may have its challenges. Whether it's taking the first walk after surgery, or simply being able to go through your daily routine safely at home-we make it our mission to support you every step of the way. Our all-inclusive health care program provides therapies, transportation, home care, medications, and more. It's a comprehensive approach to help you continue living independently at home. Call 412-388-8050 or visit to learn more LIFE Pittsburgh Living Independence for the Elderly adno-351602 YOUR JOURNEY . OUR MISSION . WE ARE IN THIS TOGETHER Your path may have its challenges . Whether it's taking the first walk after surgery , or simply being able to go through your daily routine safely at home - we make it our mission to support you every step of the way . Our all - inclusive health care program provides therapies , transportation , home care , medications , and more . It's a comprehensive approach to help you continue living independently at home . Call 412-388-8050 or visit to learn more LIFE Pittsburgh Living Independence for the Elderly adno - 351602