+ SonRise Community Church NEW LOCATION 130 Lucas Lane, Sarver, PA 16055 724-712-7644 Discover Expositional Preaching and Teaching, Fellowship, Pastoral Prayers, Breaking of Bread JOIN US EVERY SUNDAY... 9:00 AM Bible 101 10:00 AM Worship Service A Prophecy Seminar by Pastor John March 16th 9AM to Noon - Lunch and work book provided $49.00 Discover how the current events fit into the Scriptures. Know how to prepare your children and grandchildren for what the future holds. odno-323859 CALL TO REGISTER 724-712-7644 Pastor John Neyman + SonRise Community Church NEW LOCATION 130 Lucas Lane , Sarver , PA 16055 724-712-7644 Discover Expositional Preaching and Teaching , Fellowship , Pastoral Prayers , Breaking of Bread JOIN US EVERY SUNDAY ... 9:00 AM Bible 101 10:00 AM Worship Service A Prophecy Seminar by Pastor John March 16th 9AM to Noon - Lunch and work book provided $ 49.00 Discover how the current events fit into the Scriptures . Know how to prepare your children and grandchildren for what the future holds . odno - 323859 CALL TO REGISTER 724-712-7644 Pastor John Neyman