Pittsburgh Irish Festival

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The Pittsburgh Irish Festival, Inc. is a non-profit 501(c)(3) corporation created to contribute to the rich cultural awareness of Irish history and tradition that exists in Pittsburgh. In addition to our three day “Halfway to St. Patrick’s Day Festival,” the Pittsburgh Irish Festival has expanded into a year-round resource for education and cultural programs through the creation of the Irish Education Outreach Program. The Program’s primary objective is to create a higher awareness of the ethnic richness and significance of the Irish and Irish-American culture and presence, from both a historic and contemporary perspective. In-service consultants are available to community groups and organizations as well as to interested school districts. In addition to cultural presentations, our consultants provide Irish studies workshops for teachers. Materials are multidisciplinary in design, combining and integrating study of the following areas: Arts, History, Patron Saints, Dance, Irish in America, Sports Economy, Language, Symbols Geography, Music, Tourism.