Jack Casey for Town Council, McCandless Ward 2

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As a long term resident I can attest that the residents in Oakridge and the surrounding area have been asking for a safe route to the Wexford Commercial area (Wexford Flats) over 30 years! We were led to believe improvements would be made during the Wexford Flats improvement project. Unfortunately, improvements never came and the sidewalk project was never completed - on both sides of Rt 19. Now we have an opportunity to correct this enormous mistake and all without raising taxes! We understand additional money is currently available under the original grant and another source of funding is also available. The one window closes November 3rd so this is time sensitive. Previous Councilman Kirk worked with various state and local officials, specifically, Senator Lindsay Williams office and Town Manager Robert Grimm. On November 22, 2019 a grant for $406,048 under the MULTIMODAL TRANSPORTATION FUND GRANT was approved! "The Application was approved based upon and in accordance with the terms and representations made in the Application…Specifically for construction,…. of sidewalk and curbing along the west side of Rt 19 to the south side of Longvue Avenue (the project) located in McCandless. Sadly, NO Town official has ever requested the additional funding. From what I can tell, we need an additional $137,282 added to this grant. Currently some Council members wish to use the money elsewhere. However, the contract doesn’t allow for that. McCandless will be required to return all funds with interest. Besides if they have special projects why don’t they request their own grant. Recently, I contacted Representative Mercuri’s office. "They advised me…."The grant window will be open from March 1 to July 31, 2022. Since the initial grant was procured through Senator Williams office, they may choose to continue working through that office.” I’ve been in contact with the Senator Williams office which has also expressed a ready willingness to see this project completed. This is the most dangerous small stretch of highway between Zelienople and West View! As a matter of fact it's dangerous on both sides of the highway. I’m asking McCandless to request funds for sidewalks on the east side of Rt19 up to the Ingomar Fire Hall as well. This will complete sidewalks in the Wexford Commercial Zone. Then residents from the Wagon Wheel neighborhood area can traverse the east side of the Perry Highway safely as well. Hopefully, no one will be killed or injured while we wait! Jack Casey

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