Haven Hybrid Homeschool is hosting an open house on Thursday, July 25th from 5:30pm-7:00pm at Reclamation Community Center in Monroeville. Please join us for some light refreshments, an informational session, and a building tour so we can show you what our program is all about!

A little background information... Haven Hybrid Homeschool is a supplemental homeschool instruction model designed to help families lighten their homeschool load, provide extracurricular activities and socialization, and give families a break during the week. Unlike other co-ops and homeschool hybrids, families are able to drop off their PreK-5 aged children for homeschool instruction two days a week for 5 hours each day. Parents are encouraged to volunteer if they are willing and able, but are NOT required by any means. We desire to help whatever system you have in place, not interrupt what your family already has going on. We have an affordable price for each child for the year with full and partial scholarships available by application as well as a multiple-child discount! We want our programs to be available to everyone.

We hope to see all of the local homeschool famlies looking for a change in attendance! Please reach out to Olivia Guffey at olivia@havenchildcare.org with any questions or concerns. You can also visit the event page here!

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