Aaron Donald Bringing Development to Wilkinsburg
Aaron Donald Bringing Development to Wilkinsburg
<p>Pittsburgh Native and NFL Hall of Famer, Aaron Donald and the Donald Development Group are bringing <strong>38 new units </strong>to Wilkinsburg. <br><br></p> <p>And that's not all! They're also bringing a community center to Hunter Street. <br><br></p> <p>Aaron Donald and his team are spearheading development deals that will change neighborhoods like Wilkinsburg. <br><br>Housing is imperative and Aaron Donald's efforts are not going unnoticed. </p> <p>More details to pertaining to this opportunity. </p>
Receipt Monster
Receipt Monster
<p>Vanquish the Receipt Monster: We've all been there - pockets overflowing with crumpled receipts and who knows what! Creating a system to manage receipts is like having a super-powered organization sidekick. Everything gets neatly categorized and easily accessible, saving you future headaches. A freelancer I knew used to lose track of receipts all the time, and come tax season, they couldn't claim all their deductions. A simple system could have saved them a ton of cash!</p> <p><a href="https://calendly.com/roseknowsbookkeeping/30min">Contact me</a> to let <a href="https://www.roseknowsbookkeeping.com">me</a> help you conquer the receipt monster (together)!</p> <p><a href="https://www.roseknowsbookkeeping.com">www.roseknowsbookkeeping.com</a></p> <p>email: <a href="mailto:rose@roseknowsbookkeeping.com">rose@roseknowsbookkeeping.com</a></p> <p>phone: 412-357-2124</p>
Financial checkup
Financial checkup
<p>Financial Fitness Check: Ever get that annual checkup at the doctor's? Regular financial reports are like those checkups, but for your business. They show you exactly how healthy your finances are - where the money's flowing in (hopefully from tons of clients or sales), where it's flowing out (and hopefully not disappearing into mysterious black holes!), and if you're on track to hit your goals. One client used to avoid these reports, fearing bad news. But once they embraced them, they discovered areas to save money and boost profits! Boom!</p> <p><br>Book a <a href="https://calendly.com/roseknowsbookkeeping/30min">free consultation</a> with <a href="https://www.roseknowsbookkeeping.com">me</a> to discuss how I can help!<br><br>Rose Lamoureux<br><a href="https://www.roseknowsbookkeeping.com">www.roseknowsbookkeeping.com</a></p> <p><a href="mailto:rose@roseknowsbookkeeping.com">rose@roseknowsbookkeeping.com</a></p> <p>412-357-2124</p>
Turning numbers into insights
Turning numbers into insights
<p>Are you ensuring that every transaction your business makes is properly recorded and organized for easy cash flow management? Keeping a detailed record of all business transactions, such as invoices, receipts, and expenses, is crucial for predicting future opportunities and staying tax compliant.</p> <ul> <li>Establish a system that works for you. Spreadsheets, accounting software, or scribbling in a notebook - find a method that keeps you organized and sane!</li> <li>Separate personal and business accounts. Trust me, future you will thank you when you're not digging through receipts for that latte labeled "office supplies."</li> <li>Review financial reports. Think of it as a financial checkup for your business. See where your money's flowing (and hopefully not leaking!).</li> </ul> <p>Outsource to an <strong><a href="https://www.roseknowsbookkeeping.com">expert</a></strong> if needed. Feeling overwhelmed by the numbers? <em>Don't be a hero, call in the bookkeeping cavalry!</em></p> <p>Schedule an <strong>initial free <a href="https://calendly.com/roseknowsbookkeeping">consultation</a></strong> with me and let me help you gain peace of mind and financial insights.</p> <p><strong><a href="https://www.roseknowsbookkeeping.com">https://www.roseknowsbookkeeping.com</a></strong></p> <p>P: 412-357-2124 </p> <p>E: rose@roseknowsbookkeeping.com</p>
Silent Book Club, Happening Today!
Silent Book Club, Happening Today!
<p>The Wilkinsburg Library is excited to host the 'The Silent Book Club' happening today. <br><br><br></p> <p>Full of fiction, nonfiction, illustrations </p> <p>Thursday July 18, 2024, from 6:30-7:30PM people get to indulge in the wonderful world of reading. <br><br></p> <p>At Silent Book Club, there's no assigned reading. All readers are welcome-ebooks, audiobooks, textbooks, comic books... it's BYOBook.<br><br></p> <p>Settle in for an hour of silent, sustained reading. <br><br></p> <p>Taking place at Wilkinsburg Borough Building&bull;605 Ross Ave., Wilkinsburg, PA 15221</p> <p>Learn more about this cool reading adventure at wilkinsburg library.org. </p> <p> </p> <p> </p>
Wilkinsburg Thursday Market, Happening Today!
Wilkinsburg Thursday Market, Happening Today!
<p>"One thing we certainly pride ourselves on, is our Wilkinsburg weekly fresh produce market. Not only does it bring unity in the community, but it's an event with a significant purpose. Free produce to help us have healthier options in our household," Serena Tinsley said. <br><br></p> <p>The Thursday Market has homegrown fruits and veggies. <br><br></p> <p>Peaches and corn are back. Many residents especially enjoy the sweet corn. <br><br></p> <p>Not only does the community come out for produce shopping, but there is often chances to meet vendors and entertainment. <br><br></p> <p>Today, DJ Miss Keea will be bringing the sounds and keeping people moving and grooving. The market will be taking place at the Parklet on Penn from 4-6PM. </p>
Westinghouse Arts Academy Scheduled to Resume Classes after Fire at the “Castle.”
Westinghouse Arts Academy Scheduled to Resume Classes after Fire at the “Castle.”
<p>Restoration work is underway for the historic building that houses the arts-based charter high school.</p> <h4>Fire broke out in June</h4> <p>The Westinghouse Airbrake Company General Officer Building, known to some as the "Castle", a historic landmark in Wilmerding, Pennsylvania, was damaged by a fire on June 28, 2024. The fire started in the 5th Floor attic and spread to the roof, causing smoke and water damage to the rest of the building. The building is home to the Westinghouse Arts Academy, a charter school, that offers tuition-free, arts based, high-school education to students in grades 9-12. The fire has been determined to be accidental, and started in the floor of the 5th floor, by the Wilmerding Fire Marshall, Al Hussey.</p> <h4>Everyone evacuated safely</h4> <p>According to the school's principal and acting Chief Executive Officer, Dr. Kelly Lombard, no students or staff were injured in the fire, as everyone was able to evacuate quickly and safely. Dr. Lombard also praised the efforts of "the firefighters, police, and other emergency responders who contained the fire and prevented further damage." She also thanked the community for its support and donations in the aftermath of the fire. The School owns the old Westinghouse Memorial School building next door to the Castle and leases the Castle building and surrounding property. </p> <h4>Restoration work is underway</h4> <p>The restoration work is underway for the building, which is listed on the National Register of Historic Places. The school hired ServPro from North Versailles, which has brought in a ServPro national operations crew, to handle the immediate fire stabilization efforts of water extraction and cleaning. SerPro is also serving as the general contractor for the construction work associated with the fire related repairs to the lower floors of the Castle, that the school is currently occupying, as well as the historic red slate roof. Bill Malloy, General Partner of the owner Westinghouse Castle, LP, stated that "ServPro is doing an amazing job and will be completing the drying of the first two floors that the school occupies, as well as the removal of most of the affected drywall, on Sunday, July 14th." </p> <p>Utica National Insurance, which has assigned adjusters, engineers, and consultants to the project, is the insurer of the building. Dr. Lombard stated that Utica's consultant, Richard Mouris, Assistant Vice President of J.S. Held, LLC, confirmed on Friday that Utica National Insurance and its onsite partners "are committed to restoring the historic property to its pre-loss condition."<br> <br> According to Williams Castillo, Large Loss Project Manager from ServPro, the company is on target to complete all of the fire restoration work for the school's occupied floors, as well as the temporary roof, before August 12th to ensure that the school's operations are not impaired for the start of school. Roberts Roofing is currently working on the temporary roof repairs and engineers are evaluating the components to the roof that were damaged by the fire to complete the scope of work for the complete restoration of the historic slate roof.</p> <p>Building owner, Westinghouse Castle, LP, has been working since 2021 with the Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission's State Preservation Officer, as well as the US Department of the Interior, to preserve the architectural and historical features of the building, which was built in 1890 by George Westinghouse, a pioneer of the electrical and railroad industries. The historic preservation project has been proceeding in phases according to Malloy. The preservation of the lower two floors has been approved, and completed, and the work on the upper floors is ongoing. The phase that will be completed by the end of 2024, is the preservation of the historic features of the 3rd and 4th floors which include George Westinghouse's office on the 3rd floor. Thereafter, as the Westinghouse Arts Academy student population continues to grow, the school will occupy those floors as well. "Fortunately, with the fast reaction to the fire so far, and continued cooperation by Utica National Insurance company partners and the contractors, the overall historic restoration project will not be delayed or impaired by the fire," Malloy stated.</p> <h4>Classes to resume in August without delay</h4> <p>Dr. Lombard said that "classes will resume on August 19, 2024, and teachers will return on August 12th, for the new academic year. The school fully expects that Utica insurance company and the contractors will get the Castle ready for August 12th. However, should there be any unforeseen delays, the school is prepared to use temporary classrooms." She assured parents and students that the quality of education and the safety of the school community will not be compromised by the fire. The school also encouraged prospective students to apply for admission, as there are still spots available for the 2024-2025 school year.</p> <p>The author, Joseph Lawrence, is a partner of Westinghouse Castle, LP.</p>
Haven Hybrid Homeschool to Host an Open House
Haven Hybrid Homeschool to Host an Open House
<p>Haven Hybrid Homeschool is hosting an open house on Thursday, July 25th from 5:30pm-7:00pm at Reclamation Community Center in Monroeville. Please join us for some light refreshments, an informational session, and a building tour so we can show you what our program is all about! </p> <p>A little background information... Haven Hybrid Homeschool is a supplemental homeschool instruction model designed to help families lighten their homeschool load, provide extracurricular activities and socialization, and give families a break during the week. Unlike other co-ops and homeschool hybrids, families are able to drop off their PreK-5 aged children for homeschool instruction two days a week for 5 hours each day. Parents are encouraged to volunteer if they are willing and able, but are NOT required by any means. We desire to help whatever system you have in place, not interrupt what your family already has going on. We have an affordable price for each child for the year with full and partial scholarships available by application as well as a multiple-child discount! We want our programs to be available to everyone. </p> <p>We hope to see all of the local homeschool famlies looking for a change in attendance! Please reach out to Olivia Guffey at <a href="mailto:olivia@havenchildcare.org">olivia@havenchildcare.org</a> with any questions or concerns. You can also visit the event page <a href="https://www.facebook.com/events/s/homeschool-hybrid-open-house/803773431844506/">here!</a></p> <p> </p>
Quarterly Bin Sanitation!
Quarterly Bin Sanitation!
<p><strong>Starting as low as $50!</strong></p> <p> </p> <ul> <li>Includes 2 Cans</li> <li>Add Cans as Needed</li> <li>No Contract</li> <li>Cancel Anytime</li> </ul> <p> </p> <p>One time cleaning available upon request!</p> <p>Curbside Appeal LLC</p> <p>412-609-4495</p> <p><a href="https://curbsideappeal.org">curbsideappeal.org</a></p> <p><a href="https://www.facebook.com/curbsideappeall" target="_blank" rel="noopener">facebook.com/curbsideappeall</a></p>
Create Unforgettable Memories at Your Wedding Party
Create Unforgettable Memories at Your Wedding Party
<p>Your wedding day is one of the most significant moments of your life, filled with love, joy, and celebration. Creating unforgettable memories at your <strong>wedding party</strong> ensures that this unique day remains etched in the hearts of you and your guests forever.</p> <p>From decor and entertainment to food and personal touches, every element contributes to an extraordinary experience. Here, we'll explore various ways to make your <em><strong><a title=" Wedding Party in Geneva " href="https://oscarswan.com/weddings">Wedding Party in Geneva </a></strong></em>or anywhere across the globe a memorable affair that will be cherished for years to come.</p> <h2><strong>Personalize Your Wedding Theme</strong></h2> <p>A personalized wedding theme sets the tone for your entire event, reflecting your unique love story and style. Choose a theme that resonates with you as a couple, whether it's a vintage garden party, a glamorous black-tie affair, or a relaxed beachside gathering. Incorporate elements like custom invitations, matching decor, and themed entertainment to create a cohesive and immersive experience. Personalized touches make your wedding party stand out, leaving a lasting impression on your guests.</p> <h2>Create a Captivating Atmosphere</h2> <p>The atmosphere of your wedding party plays a crucial role in creating unforgettable memories. Lighting, music, and decor should work together to evoke the right emotions. Use soft, romantic lighting for an intimate feel or vibrant, colorful lights to energize the party. A live band or DJ can set the mood with music that matches your theme and keeps guests entertained. Elegant floral arrangements, beautiful table settings, and creative centerpieces enhance the ambiance, making your wedding party visually stunning.</p> <h2>Engage Your Guests with Interactive Activities</h2> <p>Keeping your guests engaged is crucial to creating a memorable wedding party. Consider incorporating interactive activities that entertain and involve everyone. Photo Booths with fun props allow guests to capture candid moments, while lawn games like cornholes and giant Jenga provide entertainment during cocktail hour. A dance floor with a lively playlist encourages everyone to join in the fun. These activities create opportunities for guests to connect, laugh, and share special moments, enhancing their overall experience.</p> <h2>Offer Unique and Delicious Catering</h2> <p>Exceptional food and drinks are essential for a memorable wedding party. Opt for a menu that reflects your tastes and preferences, offering a variety of options to cater to all dietary needs. Consider incorporating unique elements like food stations, a signature cocktail, or a dessert bar to add a personal touch. Collaborate with your caterer to ensure the presentation is as impressive as the flavors. Guests will remember the delicious food and drinks long after the party is over.</p> <h2>Plan a Show-Stopping Entrance and Exit</h2> <p>Your grand entrance and exit are significant moments that set the tone and leave a lasting impression. Plan a show-stopping entrance that captures everyone's attention, whether it's a choreographed dance, a dramatic walk down the aisle, or a surprise performance. Similarly, your exit should be memorable, with options like a sparkler send-off, fireworks, or a vintage car getaway. These moments create excitement and set the stage for unforgettable memories.</p> <h2><br>Include Heartfelt Speeches and Toasts</h2> <p><br>Heartfelt speeches and toasts add a personal touch to your wedding party, creating moments of reflection and connection. Encourage close family members and friends to share their thoughts, stories, and well-wishes. These speeches provide insight into your journey as a couple, celebrating your love and commitment. Guests will appreciate the emotional depth and sincerity, making the event more meaningful and memorable.</p> <h2>Capture Every Moment</h2> <p>Professional photography and videography are essential for preserving the memories of your wedding party in Geneva or any locality. Hire experienced photographers and videographers who can capture the emotions, details, and highlights of the day. Candid shots posed for portraits and video footage allow you to relive special moments for years to come. Consider creating a wedding album or video montage to share with family and friends, ensuring that your wedding memories remain vivid and cherished.</p> <h2>Add Personal Touches</h2> <p>Incorporating personal touches throughout your wedding party makes it unique and memorable. Consider adding elements that reflect your personality, hobbies, or cultural background. Personalized favors, custom signage, and meaningful decorations add a personal touch that resonates with your guests. These details show the thought and effort put into making the event unique, creating a lasting impression.</p> <h3>Conclusion</h3> <p>Creating unforgettable memories at your <strong>wedding party in Geneva</strong> involves thoughtful planning, personalization, and attention to detail. By incorporating unique themes, captivating atmospheres, engaging activities, exceptional catering, show-stopping moments, heartfelt speeches, professional <strong>photography</strong>, and personal touches, you ensure that your<strong> special day is memorable</strong> for you and your guests. Celebrate your love and commitment in a way that leaves a lasting impression, making your wedding party an event to remember forever.</p> <p> </p> <p> </p>
CDS Flea Market 2024
CDS Flea Market 2024
<p>Looking to clear out unwanted treasures? Donate them to Christ the Divine Shepherd Flea Market! Drop off Days at the Lourdes Center (St Bernadette Campus) are Saturday July 13th, and Sunday July 14th from 9AM to 1PM.</p> <p>We accept most clean, unbroken items, including furniture, housewares, books, toys, jewelry/fashion accessories and seasonal d&eacute;cor. Sorry, we cannot accept clothes, TVs, computers/electronics, VCR or cassette tapes, encyclopedias, stuffed animals, and chandeliers. For more information call or text Lisa Fennessy at (412) 607-0226.</p>
Harambee Celebration of Culture
Harambee Celebration of Culture
<p>The Harambee Celebration of Culture/Soul Festival took place in Wilkinsburg. <br><br></p> <p>The festival was curated to uplift the culture of Blackness through live music, food, African garments, and dancing. <br><br></p> <p>We had the opportunity to catch up with two people who attended. <br><br></p> <p>Chantel Gaines said, "Harambee was a good time. I especially enjoyed the beans and rice, yams, and greens. The best part about summer festivals are the family reunion vibe it brings. It makes you laugh, dance, and feel closer to your community." <br><br></p> <p>"Anything that involves summer weather and soul food, you can count me in! I enjoyed the Soul Drip Band, and there was plenty for my kids to enjoy. We had a good time and looking forward to attending again in July," Josiah Newsome said. <br><br></p> <p>Harambee pt.2 will be July 19-24th in Braddock at the Civiv Plaza. <br><br></p> <p> </p>
Recognizing Meshwork Press
Recognizing Meshwork Press
<p>Meshwork Press is known for their letterpresses printed paper goods-otherwise known as artistically crafted greeting cards. <br><br></p> <p>These greeting cards are a neighborhood gem as many Wilkinsburg residents are familiar with the business. <br><br></p> <p>What makes the prints unique is that it is a teen art program, where teenagers have the opportunity to learn more about art and how to bring their imagination to life through this particular skill. <br><br></p> <p>Meshwork Press is one of Wilkinsburg's beloved small businesses. <br><br></p> <p>During the summer, students get to join the creative hub to learn how to make self-portraits, get to participate in the youth-maker Indie workshops, create totes, T-shirts, cards, and more. <br><br></p> <p>Student artists from Meshwork Press have experienced great opportunities. For example, the 'Perception' mural found a home in Wilkinsburg at 1007 Wood Street, where residents and those passing through can see the art on display. <br><br>Special thanks to the students from Braddock Youth Project. <br><br></p> <p>Meshwork Press is expanding to other cities </p> <p> </p>
Neighbors in Need Fund by BGC
Neighbors in Need Fund by BGC
<p>The Bloomfield-Garfield Corporation is encouraging community members to donate to the Nieghbors in Need fund, a fund with money available to community members in the East End facing unforseen, emergency circumstances. </p> <p>Funds are dispersed quickly upon donation, going to emergeny home repairs, rent payments, utility shut offs, and more for residents and families in the area. </p> <p>Pictured is the QR code for donation (<a href="https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdZGJeyQfcsVLMPTlPanredmchMdwK17Hnuj9gKyUZ-f1xsDw/viewform">linked here</a>), or checks can be payable and mailed to the Bloomfield-Garfield Corporation, located at 113 N. Pacific, Pittsburgh, PA (15224).</p> <p> </p> <p> </p>