Elect Kris Cardiff for District Judge

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Kris Cardiff for District Judge Kris Cardiff is the ONLY lifelong Republican for District Judge Former Vice Chairman of the Westmoreland County Republican Committee Former member of the WCRC District 2 Committee - active for over 8 years. The ONLY candidate for District Judge that has presided over public hearings. Has been a registered Republican since the age of 18 - over 25 years. Hands-on experience in Municipal laws, codes, and ordinances. About Kris Public Service On January 6, 2014, Kris raised his right hand and proudly took the oath of office for the first time as a duly elected Trafford Borough council member. Over the past 7 years, he has served by that oath with honesty, integrity, and dedication to our community. Kris's goal from day one was to be the elected representative to our local government that he would want to have as a constituent. To serve with empathy and impartiality. Career Kris has spent his career in top negotiation and procurement roles with major national defense contractors and organizations in aerospace and the U.S. Naval Nuclear program. Throughout his career, Kris has worked directly with the U.S. Armed Forces, companies such as Boeing, Bell Helicopter, and Airbus as well as with international organizations from countries such as the United Kingdom, Germany, Japan, India, and the United Arab Emirates. He has built many professional friendships across the world and often has worked through language barriers. Kris is currently employed with a defense contractor in Penn Township. Family Kris grew up in a humbled home. When Kris was born, his father served in the National Guard, worked at the Edgar Thomson steel mill, went to college full time, and still found time to build their family home. Kris's mother worked at Marilyn's Bakery and then went on to work for the PA Liquor Control Board while still maintaining a family home when Kris's father was away serving in the military. In 2006, as a Colonel, Kris's dad led thousands of troops in Iraq during their election. After 30+ years in the military, Kris's dad retired as a Brigadier General in 2009. Kris cherishes every moment he has with his family and often spends time with his mother and goes fishing with his dad. Kris's parents recently celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary. Husband Kris met Amelia in December 2013. Their first date was dinner followed by a walk through Phipps Conservatory. In March 2015, Kris rented out a wing of Phipps Conservatory to propose to Amelia. She said yes. In April 2016, they were married...at Phipps...followed by a reception at the Manchester Room in Trafford. Amelia is a Senior IP of Infection and Disease Control at UPMC. Father In late summer 2018, Kris and Amelia welcomed their baby girl into our world. Their daughter was a miracle that they thank God for every day. At two and a half years old, their daughter has taken ballet classes with Mommy and swimming lessons with Daddy. Kris taught her the most important first sentence he felt she needed to know in her life, "I love you". Kris' face lights up any time you ask him about his little girl.

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