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  • Published Date

    December 3, 2022
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HUNDREDS OF Christmas Trees TO CHOOSE FROM Fraser Fir, Concolor Fir, Balsam Fir, Blue Spruce & Scotch Pine in a wide variety of sizes FRESH Wreaths BEAUTIFUL LOCALLY GROWN Poinsettias Children can choose a treat from Santa's Treasure Chest and receive a personalized ornament. Enjoy Complimentary Hot Beverages and Cookies While Browsing our Christmas Shop. Snap a picture while visiting, post it on our facebook or instagram pages and tag us for your CHANCE TO WIN A $500.00 GIFT CERTIFICATE for use next year at our Nursery. Sudars SANTA'S WORKSHOP AT JASON WILKINSON NURSERY wwwwww O EXPERIENCE Christmas AT JASON WILKINSON NURSERY m Jason Wilkinson Nursery 90 Years and Still Growing! OPEN THROUGH CHRISTMAS!! 115 Wilky Lane, State Route 819 Armbrust, PA 15616 724-925-7261 JasonWilkinsonNursery.com Monday thru Friday 9am-7pm Saturday 9am-5pm Sunday 10am-4pm 267134 HUNDREDS OF Christmas Trees TO CHOOSE FROM Fraser Fir , Concolor Fir , Balsam Fir , Blue Spruce & Scotch Pine in a wide variety of sizes FRESH Wreaths BEAUTIFUL LOCALLY GROWN Poinsettias Children can choose a treat from Santa's Treasure Chest and receive a personalized ornament . Enjoy Complimentary Hot Beverages and Cookies While Browsing our Christmas Shop . Snap a picture while visiting , post it on our facebook or instagram pages and tag us for your CHANCE TO WIN A $ 500.00 GIFT CERTIFICATE for use next year at our Nursery . Sudars SANTA'S WORKSHOP AT JASON WILKINSON NURSERY wwwwww O EXPERIENCE Christmas AT JASON WILKINSON NURSERY m Jason Wilkinson Nursery 90 Years and Still Growing ! OPEN THROUGH CHRISTMAS !! 115 Wilky Lane , State Route 819 Armbrust , PA 15616 724-925-7261 JasonWilkinsonNursery.com Monday thru Friday 9 am-7pm Saturday 9 am-5pm Sunday 10 am-4pm 267134