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    December 9, 2020
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Medicare Approved New Technology for Knee Arthritis Treatment Seniors have a unique opportunity to find out if Medicare approved treatment can end your knee arthritis pain and help re-capture your youth If you suffer with painful niors right here are now reduc- knee arthritis, the nexi week ing pain, returning to the activ- may be extremely important ities they love . and geting to you. Here is why: If you are like most seniors.. you worked hard your whole life. You sac- has already become a thing of rificed. You did without. You the past! paid your dues. You may have even fought for your country. Now it's time to focus on get- called viscosupplementation. ting a little back. It's time for This exciting new option has YÕU. It's time to take a step back the area for three very import- and enjoy the life you've ant reasons: worked so hard to build and get back to doing the all things you deserve. But retirement came with advanced medical treatment but an advanced medical pro- one BIG PROBLEM you where a highly skilled doctor cedure. may have not anticipated. For puts a special FDA-approved cedure to be virtually painless. Research has shown that if the Center for Pain Relief are injections are performed into offering a special knee pain the knee joint without this type consultation that is open to of image guidance that the in- jection might miss the right lo- pain who would like to see if cation up to 25% of the time. With the technology used at dures discussed here can help the Centers for Pain Relief no you. expense has been spared to avoid total knee replacement tation is no obligation and al- surgery! That's why the doctors at to live the REAL retirement dream. For many, knee arthritis pain anyone in the area with knee the advanced medical proce- One such medical advance- ment for chronic knee pain is This complimentruy consul- lows the doctors to determine if you are a candidate for this treatment.or if things are too far advanced and a knee replacement surgely is your only option. This consultation is one on one with our doctors, and the worst thing that can happen is already helped thousands in Reason #3 Viscosupplementation Treat repair! This is NOT an over the from chronic knee pain, he has also perfected a method that counter vitamin or supplement, allows him to target his injec- tions with precision accuracy to insure optimal results. Our medical team combines many, the pain and agony of lubricating medicine directly lieve pain and stiffness in the the lubricating viscosupple- mentation injections with ad- Reason #1: It Works Viscosupplementation is an Covered by Medicare and Many Other Insurances Medical care can be expen- sive, and sadly that cost often keeps seniors on a fixed in- come from getting the treat- you find out this treatment is ment they desperately need. The good news is that the It is not uncommon to re- not for you. On the other hand ... you might find the answer to treat- your pain that allows you to re- knee arthritis has destroyed into the knee joint. their so-called "golden years". Let me tell you two things that ioning are abundantly clear . It's Not Fair And It's Not Your Fault And I know it's not the way highest quality treatment. Re- tal knee replacement surgery! you imagined life would be. cent research shows that vis- Well thank goodness . Due to advances in medical assist in helping the cartilage technology and treatments, se- knees in just a few weeks, and These lubricating and cush- the resulis often last for 6-12 vanced diagnostic imaging viscosupplementation ments offered are covered by capture your youth. months, or even longer. One time, helping pinpoint your substances are naturally oc- study found that 2 years after problem. When it comes time to perform the injection, this FDA to make sure you get the patients were able to avoid to- technology allows him to see Medicare and many other in- curring, but cleared by the having these injections 82% of surance companies. CENTER FOR PAIN RELIEF 227 South Chestnut Street in Butler (across from Koeppen's Car Alignment). Call 724-602-2745 today. This has allowed countless inside the arthritic knee joint patients with knee pain the op- and deliver the cushioning gel portunity to get the best state Reason #2 Pinpoint Accuracy of the Injections In addition to helping hun- in your knees regenerate and dreds of patients find relief cosup plementation can also medicine EXACTLY where it of the art care without drain- need to be. The added benefit ing their life's savings they've is that this also allows the pro- worked so hard for. Medicare Approved New Technology for Knee Arthritis Treatment Seniors have a unique opportunity to find out if Medicare approved treatment can end your knee arthritis pain and help re-capture your youth If you suffer with painful niors right here are now reduc- knee arthritis, the nexi week ing pain, returning to the activ- may be extremely important ities they love . and geting to you. Here is why: If you are like most seniors.. you worked hard your whole life. You sac- has already become a thing of rificed. You did without. You the past! paid your dues. You may have even fought for your country. Now it's time to focus on get- called viscosupplementation. ting a little back. It's time for This exciting new option has YÕU. It's time to take a step back the area for three very import- and enjoy the life you've ant reasons: worked so hard to build and get back to doing the all things you deserve. But retirement came with advanced medical treatment but an advanced medical pro- one BIG PROBLEM you where a highly skilled doctor cedure. may have not anticipated. For puts a special FDA-approved cedure to be virtually painless. Research has shown that if the Center for Pain Relief are injections are performed into offering a special knee pain the knee joint without this type consultation that is open to of image guidance that the in- jection might miss the right lo- pain who would like to see if cation up to 25% of the time. With the technology used at dures discussed here can help the Centers for Pain Relief no you. expense has been spared to avoid total knee replacement tation is no obligation and al- surgery! That's why the doctors at to live the REAL retirement dream. For many, knee arthritis pain anyone in the area with knee the advanced medical proce- One such medical advance- ment for chronic knee pain is This complimentruy consul- lows the doctors to determine if you are a candidate for this treatment.or if things are too far advanced and a knee replacement surgely is your only option. This consultation is one on one with our doctors, and the worst thing that can happen is already helped thousands in Reason #3 Viscosupplementation Treat repair! This is NOT an over the from chronic knee pain, he has also perfected a method that counter vitamin or supplement, allows him to target his injec- tions with precision accuracy to insure optimal results. Our medical team combines many, the pain and agony of lubricating medicine directly lieve pain and stiffness in the the lubricating viscosupple- mentation injections with ad- Reason #1: It Works Viscosupplementation is an Covered by Medicare and Many Other Insurances Medical care can be expen- sive, and sadly that cost often keeps seniors on a fixed in- come from getting the treat- you find out this treatment is ment they desperately need. The good news is that the It is not uncommon to re- not for you. On the other hand ... you might find the answer to treat- your pain that allows you to re- knee arthritis has destroyed into the knee joint. their so-called "golden years". Let me tell you two things that ioning are abundantly clear . It's Not Fair And It's Not Your Fault And I know it's not the way highest quality treatment. Re- tal knee replacement surgery! you imagined life would be. cent research shows that vis- Well thank goodness . Due to advances in medical assist in helping the cartilage technology and treatments, se- knees in just a few weeks, and These lubricating and cush- the resulis often last for 6-12 vanced diagnostic imaging viscosupplementation ments offered are covered by capture your youth. months, or even longer. One time, helping pinpoint your substances are naturally oc- study found that 2 years after problem. When it comes time to perform the injection, this FDA to make sure you get the patients were able to avoid to- technology allows him to see Medicare and many other in- curring, but cleared by the having these injections 82% of surance companies. CENTER FOR PAIN RELIEF 227 South Chestnut Street in Butler (across from Koeppen's Car Alignment). Call 724-602-2745 today. This has allowed countless inside the arthritic knee joint patients with knee pain the op- and deliver the cushioning gel portunity to get the best state Reason #2 Pinpoint Accuracy of the Injections In addition to helping hun- in your knees regenerate and dreds of patients find relief cosup plementation can also medicine EXACTLY where it of the art care without drain- need to be. The added benefit ing their life's savings they've is that this also allows the pro- worked so hard for.