Public Notice Announcing the Availability of a Finding of No Significant Impact DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Rural Development Municipal Authority of Westmoreland County: Notice of Finding of No Significant impact AGENCY: Rural Utilities Service (RUS). USDA ACTION: Notice of Finding of No Significant impact SUMMARY: The Rural Utilities Service (RUS) has made a Finding of No Significant impact (FONS) with respect to a request for possible financing assistance to Municipal Authority of Westmoreland County (MAWC) for the constructing separate combined sewer lines, increase conveyance line size, and repair, replacement, or rehabilitation of sewer lines within the City of Jeannette, Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania FURTHER INFORMATION: To obtain copies of the EA and FONSI, or for further information, contact: Todd Colley, Area Specialist, USDA Rural Development, Butler Area Office, 625 Evans City Road, Suite 101, Butler, PA 16001-8704, 724-482-5290, Todd Colleyusda.go SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The proposed project consists of improving the City of Jeannette's Combined Sewer System and eliminating the sanitary sewer overflows (SSO) through the consolidation and reconstruction of the combined sewer overflows (CSOs), partial separation projects, increased conveyance, and 1&1 removal as follows: (1) consolidation/reconstruction in the areas of West Jeannette Park (CSOS 3 & 8) and Sixth Street Park (CSOs 9 & 10) which will reduce the number of overflow points. (2) The existing 36" sewer line that runs diagonally from Penn Ave to Mapleton Ave between 11" and 12" St. will be relined. The two stormwater catch basins at the intersection of Mapleton Ave and 12" St. will be separated from the combined system and redirected to the nearest storm sewer. A new manhole will be installed halfway through Clarkson Field which will redirect the new 36" combined storm/sewer line to the existing CSO 8 structure. Prior to the existing CSO 8 structure, a new manhole will be installed on the existing 10" combined storm/ sewer line. Exiting the manhole will be new 12" combined storm/water line that will flow to a new manhole that will be placed on the 18" combined storm/sewer line. As a result, these new manholes will join two parallel combined storm/ sewer lines into a new single 24" combined storm/sewer line, which will flow toward the existing CSO 8 structure. The existing CSO 8 structure will be replaced with a 2-chamber vault, the 1 chamber will tie the 24" and 36" combined storm/sewer lines together. Exiting the 1" chamber will be a 42" combined storm/sewer line which will flow into the 2 chamber. The 2 chamber will serve as the new CSO 3/8 structure. The new CSO 3/8 structure will regulate the flow by vortex valve to the existing interceptor. The existing CSO 8 outfall will be rehabilitated and updated with a duckbill check valve and will serve as the new CSO 3/8 outfall The CSO 3 outfall structure will be abandoned. (3) Two new manholes will be installed over the existing 12" and 36" sewer lines prior to the existing CSO 10. A new 36" sewer line will connect the new manholes and will continue West to connect to the existing CSO 9; however, CSO 9 will be replaced with a manhole. The new 36" sewer line will continue West and will connect to a new CSO 9/10 structure just prior to Westem Ave and Orange Ave. The flow to the new CSO 9/10 will be regulated by vortex valve to the existing interceptor. The CSO 10 structure and CSOs 9 & 10 outfalls will be abandoned. (4) The combined sewer overflow (CSO 6) at the intersection Broad Street and unnamed Alley (between Lowry Ave and Wylie Ave) will be separated by converting the existing 36" line to stormwater only. The existing 8 sewer line will be replaced with 30° PVC sewer line, which will run down the Alley until it reaches Lowry Ave, following Lowry Ave and tuming east on Division St. toward the existing CSO 6 structure, where it will meet the new CSO 6 structure prior to Brush Creek. The old CSO 6 structure and tunnel will be converted to a stormwater only outfall. A new vortex valve will regulate the new CSO 6 flow to the existing interceptor and redirect overflows to the outfall (5) The conveyance line near Lewis Ave and Chambers Ave will be relocated and upsized from and 8" line to 12" to eliminate manhole overflows feeding the interceptor (6) A new manhole/outlet pipe will be installed where existing 15 sewer line running under Norfolk Southern Railway meets the new 12" Chambers Ave sewer line, from there the line will be upsized to 24" sewer line continuing on Chambers Ave to eliminate the sewer line on the Omnova Solutions property, this 24" sewer line will continue past where CSO 6 flow enters the sewer system until meeting the existing 24" sewer line southeast of the intersection of Chambers Ave and Cuyler Ave. (7) Repairs, replacement, and/or rehabilitation of sewer lines in Basins: 17 (in the areas of Jefferson Ave, Beaver Rd, Westmoreland Ave, Sycamore St, Pennsylvania Blvd, Henry St. Franklin Ave, Jane St, Oak St, and Cypress St, 20 (n the areas of Parkman St, Alwine Ave, Good St, State St. Nevada Way, Welker St, Reed St, and Silvis St. 21 (areas within Arlington and Elsworth Aves), 23 (in the areas of Stella St, Pitcaim Ave, Greenwood St, and Sellers Ave), 24 (in the areas of Brickell Ave, Mellon Ave, Margaret St, and Guy St, and 26 in areas of Dithridge St, Ripley St, Darlington St and Blair St) to address inflow and infiltration issues with existing sewer lines using combined methods of trenching and slip-lining. Alternatives considered by RUS and MAUNC include: No action; upgrade of pump station, consolidation of CSOs 3 and 8, partial separation of CSO 3, consolidation/ reconstruction of CSO 9 and 10, reconstruction of CSO 6, increase conveyance of Chambers Avenue, 1&1 removal of basins 23, 24, and 26, and a 500,000-gallon equalization tank on Chambers Ave across Brush Creek from CSO 6 replacement of 500,000-gallon equalization tank with a 400.000-gallon tank and partial separation of CSO 6, broader 18 removal at CSO 006 to lower equalization tank capacity to 250,000 gallons; CSO satellite treatment system at CSO 6. The alternatives are discussed in the Municipal Authority of Westmoreland County, City of Jeannette EA. The RUS has reviewed and approved the EA for the proposed project. The availability of the EA for public review was announced via notice in the following newspaperts) Tribune-Review on October 23- 25, 2023. A 14-day comment period was announced in the newspaper notices). The EA was also available for public review at the USDA Rural Development office as well as MAC's offices. The comment received was a request for a copy of the EA and general questions. Responses to questions were provided and did not require an update to the EA Based on its EA, commitments made by MAWC, and public comments received, RUS has concluded that the project would have no significant impact (or no impacts) to water quality, wetlands, floodplains, land use, aesthetics, transportation, or human health and safety The proposed project will have no adverse effect on resources listed or eligible for listing on the National Register of Historic Places. The Agency has also concluded that the proposed project is not likely to affect federally listed threatened and endangered species or designated critical habitat thereof. The proposed project would not disproportionately affect minority and/or low-income populations. No other potential significant impacts resulting from the proposed project have been identified. Therefore, RUS has determined that this FONSI fulsits obligations under the National Environmental Policy Act, as amended (42 U.S.C. 4321 et seq), the Council on Environmental Quality Regulations (40 CFR 55 1500-1508), and USDA Rural Development's Environmental Policies and Procedures 7 CFR Part 1970) for its action related to the project RUS is satisfied that the environmental impacts of the proposed project have been adequately addressed. RUS's federal action would not result in significant impacts to the quality of the human environment, and as such it will not prepare an Environmental Impact Statement for its action related to the proposed project Public Notice Announcing the Availability of a Finding of No Significant Impact DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Rural Development Municipal Authority of Westmoreland County : Notice of Finding of No Significant impact AGENCY : Rural Utilities Service ( RUS ) . USDA ACTION : Notice of Finding of No Significant impact SUMMARY : The Rural Utilities Service ( RUS ) has made a Finding of No Significant impact ( FONS ) with respect to a request for possible financing assistance to Municipal Authority of Westmoreland County ( MAWC ) for the constructing separate combined sewer lines , increase conveyance line size , and repair , replacement , or rehabilitation of sewer lines within the City of Jeannette , Westmoreland County , Pennsylvania FURTHER INFORMATION : To obtain copies of the EA and FONSI , or for further information , contact : Todd Colley , Area Specialist , USDA Rural Development , Butler Area Office , 625 Evans City Road , Suite 101 , Butler , PA 16001-8704 , 724-482-5290 , Todd Colleyusda.go SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION : The proposed project consists of improving the City of Jeannette's Combined Sewer System and eliminating the sanitary sewer overflows ( SSO ) through the consolidation and reconstruction of the combined sewer overflows ( CSOs ) , partial separation projects , increased conveyance , and 1 & 1 removal as follows : ( 1 ) consolidation / reconstruction in the areas of West Jeannette Park ( CSOS 3 & 8 ) and Sixth Street Park ( CSOs 9 & 10 ) which will reduce the number of overflow points . ( 2 ) The existing 36 " sewer line that runs diagonally from Penn Ave to Mapleton Ave between 11 " and 12 " St. will be relined . The two stormwater catch basins at the intersection of Mapleton Ave and 12 " St. will be separated from the combined system and redirected to the nearest storm sewer . A new manhole will be installed halfway through Clarkson Field which will redirect the new 36 " combined storm / sewer line to the existing CSO 8 structure . Prior to the existing CSO 8 structure , a new manhole will be installed on the existing 10 " combined storm / sewer line . Exiting the manhole will be new 12 " combined storm / water line that will flow to a new manhole that will be placed on the 18 " combined storm / sewer line . As a result , these new manholes will join two parallel combined storm / sewer lines into a new single 24 " combined storm / sewer line , which will flow toward the existing CSO 8 structure . The existing CSO 8 structure will be replaced with a 2 - chamber vault , the 1 chamber will tie the 24 " and 36 " combined storm / sewer lines together . Exiting the 1 " chamber will be a 42 " combined storm / sewer line which will flow into the 2 chamber . The 2 chamber will serve as the new CSO 3/8 structure . The new CSO 3/8 structure will regulate the flow by vortex valve to the existing interceptor . The existing CSO 8 outfall will be rehabilitated and updated with a duckbill check valve and will serve as the new CSO 3/8 outfall The CSO 3 outfall structure will be abandoned . ( 3 ) Two new manholes will be installed over the existing 12 " and 36 " sewer lines prior to the existing CSO 10. A new 36 " sewer line will connect the new manholes and will continue West to connect to the existing CSO 9 ; however , CSO 9 will be replaced with a manhole . The new 36 " sewer line will continue West and will connect to a new CSO 9/10 structure just prior to Westem Ave and Orange Ave. The flow to the new CSO 9/10 will be regulated by vortex valve to the existing interceptor . The CSO 10 structure and CSOs 9 & 10 outfalls will be abandoned . ( 4 ) The combined sewer overflow ( CSO 6 ) at the intersection Broad Street and unnamed Alley ( between Lowry Ave and Wylie Ave ) will be separated by converting the existing 36 " line to stormwater only . The existing 8 sewer line will be replaced with 30 ° PVC sewer line , which will run down the Alley until it reaches Lowry Ave , following Lowry Ave and tuming east on Division St. toward the existing CSO 6 structure , where it will meet the new CSO 6 structure prior to Brush Creek . The old CSO 6 structure and tunnel will be converted to a stormwater only outfall . A new vortex valve will regulate the new CSO 6 flow to the existing interceptor and redirect overflows to the outfall ( 5 ) The conveyance line near Lewis Ave and Chambers Ave will be relocated and upsized from and 8 " line to 12 " to eliminate manhole overflows feeding the interceptor ( 6 ) A new manhole / outlet pipe will be installed where existing 15 sewer line running under Norfolk Southern Railway meets the new 12 " Chambers Ave sewer line , from there the line will be upsized to 24 " sewer line continuing on Chambers Ave to eliminate the sewer line on the Omnova Solutions property , this 24 " sewer line will continue past where CSO 6 flow enters the sewer system until meeting the existing 24 " sewer line southeast of the intersection of Chambers Ave and Cuyler Ave. ( 7 ) Repairs , replacement , and / or rehabilitation of sewer lines in Basins : 17 ( in the areas of Jefferson Ave , Beaver Rd , Westmoreland Ave , Sycamore St , Pennsylvania Blvd , Henry St. Franklin Ave , Jane St , Oak St , and Cypress St , 20 ( n the areas of Parkman St , Alwine Ave , Good St , State St. Nevada Way , Welker St , Reed St , and Silvis St. 21 ( areas within Arlington and Elsworth Aves ) , 23 ( in the areas of Stella St , Pitcaim Ave , Greenwood St , and Sellers Ave ) , 24 ( in the areas of Brickell Ave , Mellon Ave , Margaret St , and Guy St , and 26 in areas of Dithridge St , Ripley St , Darlington St and Blair St ) to address inflow and infiltration issues with existing sewer lines using combined methods of trenching and slip - lining . Alternatives considered by RUS and MAUNC include : No action ; upgrade of pump station , consolidation of CSOs 3 and 8 , partial separation of CSO 3 , consolidation / reconstruction of CSO 9 and 10 , reconstruction of CSO 6 , increase conveyance of Chambers Avenue , 1 & 1 removal of basins 23 , 24 , and 26 , and a 500,000 - gallon equalization tank on Chambers Ave across Brush Creek from CSO 6 replacement of 500,000 - gallon equalization tank with a 400.000 - gallon tank and partial separation of CSO 6 , broader 18 removal at CSO 006 to lower equalization tank capacity to 250,000 gallons ; CSO satellite treatment system at CSO 6. The alternatives are discussed in the Municipal Authority of Westmoreland County , City of Jeannette EA . The RUS has reviewed and approved the EA for the proposed project . The availability of the EA for public review was announced via notice in the following newspaperts ) Tribune - Review on October 23 25 , 2023. A 14 - day comment period was announced in the newspaper notices ) . The EA was also available for public review at the USDA Rural Development office as well as MAC's offices . The comment received was a request for a copy of the EA and general questions . Responses to questions were provided and did not require an update to the EA Based on its EA , commitments made by MAWC , and public comments received , RUS has concluded that the project would have no significant impact ( or no impacts ) to water quality , wetlands , floodplains , land use , aesthetics , transportation , or human health and safety The proposed project will have no adverse effect on resources listed or eligible for listing on the National Register of Historic Places . The Agency has also concluded that the proposed project is not likely to affect federally listed threatened and endangered species or designated critical habitat thereof . The proposed project would not disproportionately affect minority and / or low - income populations . No other potential significant impacts resulting from the proposed project have been identified . Therefore , RUS has determined that this FONSI fulsits obligations under the National Environmental Policy Act , as amended ( 42 U.S.C. 4321 et seq ) , the Council on Environmental Quality Regulations ( 40 CFR 55 1500-1508 ) , and USDA Rural Development's Environmental Policies and Procedures 7 CFR Part 1970 ) for its action related to the project RUS is satisfied that the environmental impacts of the proposed project have been adequately addressed . RUS's federal action would not result in significant impacts to the quality of the human environment , and as such it will not prepare an Environmental Impact Statement for its action related to the proposed project