A bit of glitz, glamour and lots of grins made the scene at the 2025 North Allegheny Foundation Alumni Awards gala Jan. 23 at the Holy Trinity Event Center in McCandless.
The annual event featured nine North Allegheny alumni, each recognized for significant contributions to society or outstanding professional accomplishments.
“It’s such a nice night because we’re able to build community connections, honor our distinguished alumni and showcase the wonderful things the Allegheny Foundation does,” said Alice Beckett Rumberger, foundation trustee and gala co-chair.
Eight members of the Soergel family, of Soergel Orchards in Franklin Park, attended the event to receive the Spirit of NA award.
“North Allegheny has been such an integral part in my family’s business with all of the students that work there and all of the families that have attended there. We are so honored to receive this award for Spirit of North Allegheny because it shows that communities can only be strong if they work together,” said Eric Voll, business manager of Soergel Orchards.
Other 2025 honorees and their respective categories included Debbie Chase van der Bol, 1974, Arts; Mark Donovan, 1984, Business; Scott Cunningham, 1981, Community Service; Karen Hooker, 1974, Education; Scott Kofmehl, 1999, Government; Dr. Samir Singh, 2004, Medicine; Michael Talkowski, 1994, Science and Technology; and Kate Grennan, 2006, Young Alumni.
Opening remarks were made by Larry Richert, class of 1976, who is now the public address announcer at Acrisure Stadium for the Steelers and a former distinguished alumni recipient. Brendan Hyland, superintendent of the district, also commented on the successes of the group.
Coming in from Corvallis, Ore., was Hooker for her work in education. A fellow of the Gerontological Society of America and the American Psychological Association, she is the recipient of numerous awards in gerontology and has focused on aging sciences among other things. She is an emerita professor at Oregon State University and previously served as its Jo Anne Leonard Petersen chair in Gerontology and Family Studies.
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“I am just so very honored by the award, and it means so much,” Hooker said.
She was there chatting with fellow 1974 graduate van der Bol, who was honored for Excellence in the Arts.
“North Allegheny meant so much to me because, as an artist, it really prepared me,” van der Bol said. Her work includes seascapes, landscapes and cultural paintings.
A practicing artist and business owner in the Cayman Islands for 37 years, she now is working toward a master’s in fine arts in studio painting at PennWest Edinboro.
Entertainment included a performance by the NA Fiddlers and a string quartet from North Allegheny’s orchestra program.
The North Allegheny Foundation is a nonprofit governed by a 23-member board of trustees. In addition to the grants, the NA Foundation awards a variety of scholarships to graduating students at North Allegheny High School.
A list of more than a dozen scholarships, ranging from $500 to $5,000, is available online at NA Foundation’s webpage under the Our District tab at northallegheny.org. The deadline to apply for all of them is March 21.
Nominations also are being sought for the 2026 alumni gala.
Applications must be received by June 1 for nominees to be considered in the Distinguished Alumni class for the following calendar year.
Submissions are reviewed by members of the North Allegheny Foundation, previous recipients of the award, past and current NA teachers, as well as community members.
Alumni are only permitted to win the distinction of Distinguished Alumni once.
For details about the award and to download a submission form, visit NA Foundation’s webpage under the Our District tab at northallegheny.org.