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East Suburban Sports Medicine Center Physical Therapy

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Physical Therapists
451 Hyde Park Rd
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The East Suburban Sports Medicine Center (ESSMC) was established in 1984 to meet the need for high-quality outpatient orthopedic and sports medicine physical therapy care in Pittsburgh's eastern suburbs. At that time, our facility was the first free-standing outpatient clinic in Monroeville, PA. Since then we have established seven additional offices throughout the region: ESSMC Greensburg, ESSMC Monroeville, ESSMC North Huntington, ESSMC Murrysville, ESSMC Penn Hills, ESSMC Penn Township, and ESSMC Plum Boro. We may have many locations, but each serves our patients with unparalleled results-driven service - all thanks to a medical team that, in total, has over 150 years of service combined. We take great pride in our excellent customer service and ability to help patients achieve life-changing results - something which is consistently recognized and acknowledged by patients when they complete their satisfaction surveys at the end of their care and time with us. Our patient results are all thanks to our team! From our knowledgeable front office staff (whose attention to detail helps with scheduling and the handling of insurance information) to the Physical Therapy Technicians, everyone brings a warm smile and enthusiastic energy to each patient and facilitates a positive environment for healing.