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    October 5, 2019
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history See these HISTORIC EVENTS that changed WORLD and inspired FORT LIGONIER DAYS! ARTILLERY DEMONSTRATIONS AND REENACTMENTS OF THE 1758 BATTLE Saturday, October 12 1:30p and 3:30p Sunday, October 13 1p and 3p Regular admission includes reenactment, fort and muscum. PLEASE Frtfigorner Arrive 10 minutes early. Gate closes to the battle grounds for visitors safety during the demonstration 1758 and reenactment. 1766 724.238.9701 FORTLIGONIER.ORG ISTALP history See these HISTORIC EVENTS that changed WORLD and inspired FORT LIGONIER DAYS! ARTILLERY DEMONSTRATIONS AND REENACTMENTS OF THE 1758 BATTLE Saturday, October 12 1:30p and 3:30p Sunday, October 13 1p and 3p Regular admission includes reenactment, fort and muscum. PLEASE Frtfigorner Arrive 10 minutes early. Gate closes to the battle grounds for visitors safety during the demonstration 1758 and reenactment. 1766 724.238.9701 FORTLIGONIER.ORG ISTALP