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    August 28, 2019
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LAUREL HIGHLANDS SEPTEMBER-OCTOBER, 2019 Fabulous Fall MT. PLEASANT GLASS& ETHNIC FESTIVAL 1South Diamond St, Washington St &Veterans Park, Mount Pleasant, PA FESTIVALS SEPTEMBER (724) 542-4711 www.mtpleasantglassandethnicfestival.com Over 100 ethnic foods & crafts. Free entertainment illumination launch, parade & fireworks spectacular. 27-29 ESTRVAL SPRINGS FOLK FESTIVAL SEPTEMBER -OCTOBER SOMERSET COUNTY FALL FESTIVALS OCTOBER Somerset County (814) 445-6431 www.somersetpa.net Celebrate the season, arts, history and more at Somerset County's unique autumn fairs and festivals! 1711 Springs Road, Springs, PA (814) 442-4594 www.springspa.org 62 Annual in Amish Country- Over 100 Working Artisans, PA Dutch Food& Continual Music. Chamber 4-5 2019 GNARLY 80s FESTIVAL FEATURING GREAT WHITE Hot Shots Indoor Sports Arena, 482 Bessemer Road, Mount Pleasant, PA (724) 547-5700 www.hotshotsarena.com/events FARMERS AND THRESHERMENS JUBILEE great HAre OCTOBER SEPTEMBER GPS Address: 3054 Kingwood Road, Rockwood, PA Festival Location: New Centerville, PA 5 4-8 (814) 926-3142 | www.ncrvfc.com Steam Engines, Antique Tractors, Crafts, Quilt Show, Musical Entertainment Truck Tractor, ATV&Horse Pulling. Good Food Food trucks, food vendors, craft and artisan vendors, and more. Local favorites Twisted Fate, Shiva Skydriver, Sourmash, Fonic and 13Stories JUBILE DELMONT APPLE 'N ARTS FESTIVAL MOUNTAIN CRAFT DAYS Apple Arts OCTOBER SEPTEMBER Shield's Farm, Contact Place, Delmont, PA 10649 Somerset Pike, Somerset, PA MeUNTAIN CRAFT DAYS 5-6 (814) 445-6077I www.somersethistoricalcenter.org Southwestern Pennsylvania's premier heritage festival Unique crafts, delicious foods, lively entertainment and much more! (724)325-8867 www.delmontapplenarts.com Fresh pressed apple cider, Art & Craft vendors, live entertainment Antique Farm Equipment, food vendors and activities for the kids! 6-8 FAYETTE COUNTY SKYLIGHTS BEDFORD FALL FOLIAGE FESTIVAL OCTOBER ISEPTEMBER Fall age FESTIVAL 5-6, 12-13 Fayette County Fairgrounds Historic Downtown Bedford, PA. 132 Pechin Road, Dunbar, PA 15432 (412) 414-0492 www.fayettecountyskylights.com Join us for an evening of food, music and fun! Lantern release at dark! (814) 624-3111 |www.bedfordfaltfestival.com 07 400+ artisan/craft vendors, live music, food, children's activities, antique cars& more. FREE ADMISSION SANDYVALE WINE FESTIVAL Sandywale IDLEWILD'S HALLOWBOO! | SEPTEMBER OCTOBER WINE FESTIVAL 80 Hickory Street, Johnstown, PA (800) 237-8590 www.sandyvalememorialgardens.org Tastings 16 wineries, craft beer, spirits, craft vendors, food and live Route 30 East, Ligonier, PA (724) 238-3666 www.idlewild.com/hallowbo. It's the Idlewild you know and love with a fun, family-oriented happy Halloween twist! 5-27 07 music Rain or Shine. STAHLSTOWN FLAX SCUTCHING FESTIVAL FORT LIGONIER DAYS OCTOBER SEPTEMBER GPS Address: 1703 Route 711, Stahlstown, PA (724) 593-2119 www.flaxscutching.org Historical, educational, activities for everyone, entertainment demonstrations and more. See you there! Visit us on Facebook. ExOND Route 30 East, Ligonier, PA DAYS 1-13 (724) 238-3680 www.fortligonierdays.com Celebrate with us as Fort Ligonier Days enters its 60th year in 2019 14-15 laurelhighlands.org/fallfestivals Laurel Highlands PENNSYLVANIA LAUREL HIGHLANDS SEPTEMBER-OCTOBER, 2019 Fabulous Fall MT. PLEASANT GLASS& ETHNIC FESTIVAL 1South Diamond St, Washington St &Veterans Park, Mount Pleasant, PA FESTIVALS SEPTEMBER (724) 542-4711 www.mtpleasantglassandethnicfestival.com Over 100 ethnic foods & crafts. Free entertainment illumination launch, parade & fireworks spectacular. 27-29 ESTRVAL SPRINGS FOLK FESTIVAL SEPTEMBER -OCTOBER SOMERSET COUNTY FALL FESTIVALS OCTOBER Somerset County (814) 445-6431 www.somersetpa.net Celebrate the season, arts, history and more at Somerset County's unique autumn fairs and festivals! 1711 Springs Road, Springs, PA (814) 442-4594 www.springspa.org 62 Annual in Amish Country- Over 100 Working Artisans, PA Dutch Food& Continual Music. Chamber 4-5 2019 GNARLY 80s FESTIVAL FEATURING GREAT WHITE Hot Shots Indoor Sports Arena, 482 Bessemer Road, Mount Pleasant, PA (724) 547-5700 www.hotshotsarena.com/events FARMERS AND THRESHERMENS JUBILEE great HAre OCTOBER SEPTEMBER GPS Address: 3054 Kingwood Road, Rockwood, PA Festival Location: New Centerville, PA 5 4-8 (814) 926-3142 | www.ncrvfc.com Steam Engines, Antique Tractors, Crafts, Quilt Show, Musical Entertainment Truck Tractor, ATV&Horse Pulling. Good Food Food trucks, food vendors, craft and artisan vendors, and more. Local favorites Twisted Fate, Shiva Skydriver, Sourmash, Fonic and 13Stories JUBILE DELMONT APPLE 'N ARTS FESTIVAL MOUNTAIN CRAFT DAYS Apple Arts OCTOBER SEPTEMBER Shield's Farm, Contact Place, Delmont, PA 10649 Somerset Pike, Somerset, PA MeUNTAIN CRAFT DAYS 5-6 (814) 445-6077I www.somersethistoricalcenter.org Southwestern Pennsylvania's premier heritage festival Unique crafts, delicious foods, lively entertainment and much more! (724)325-8867 www.delmontapplenarts.com Fresh pressed apple cider, Art & Craft vendors, live entertainment Antique Farm Equipment, food vendors and activities for the kids! 6-8 FAYETTE COUNTY SKYLIGHTS BEDFORD FALL FOLIAGE FESTIVAL OCTOBER ISEPTEMBER Fall age FESTIVAL 5-6, 12-13 Fayette County Fairgrounds Historic Downtown Bedford, PA. 132 Pechin Road, Dunbar, PA 15432 (412) 414-0492 www.fayettecountyskylights.com Join us for an evening of food, music and fun! Lantern release at dark! (814) 624-3111 |www.bedfordfaltfestival.com 07 400+ artisan/craft vendors, live music, food, children's activities, antique cars& more. FREE ADMISSION SANDYVALE WINE FESTIVAL Sandywale IDLEWILD'S HALLOWBOO! | SEPTEMBER OCTOBER WINE FESTIVAL 80 Hickory Street, Johnstown, PA (800) 237-8590 www.sandyvalememorialgardens.org Tastings 16 wineries, craft beer, spirits, craft vendors, food and live Route 30 East, Ligonier, PA (724) 238-3666 www.idlewild.com/hallowbo. It's the Idlewild you know and love with a fun, family-oriented happy Halloween twist! 5-27 07 music Rain or Shine. STAHLSTOWN FLAX SCUTCHING FESTIVAL FORT LIGONIER DAYS OCTOBER SEPTEMBER GPS Address: 1703 Route 711, Stahlstown, PA (724) 593-2119 www.flaxscutching.org Historical, educational, activities for everyone, entertainment demonstrations and more. See you there! Visit us on Facebook. ExOND Route 30 East, Ligonier, PA DAYS 1-13 (724) 238-3680 www.fortligonierdays.com Celebrate with us as Fort Ligonier Days enters its 60th year in 2019 14-15 laurelhighlands.org/fallfestivals Laurel Highlands PENNSYLVANIA