Prior to her election to the Pennsylvania House of Representatives, Anita served for thirteen years as a Kennedy Township Commissioner where she garnered a reputation for transparency and effective governance. While Commissioner, Anita took on numerous additional responsibilities, including the annual Community Days program, and serving as a representative to the Char West Council of Government. She devoted both her time and talents to protecting children through the Attorney General’s “Operation Safe Surf” program, an endeavor educating families about online predators, and by serving as an Allegheny County Children’s Court Custody Guardian.
Seeking an opportunity to make a more lasting impact on the community she loves, in 2016, Anita ran for State Representative in the 45th District and won a seat in the state legislature, becoming, at that time, the only woman from Allegheny County. Representative Kulik has not sat quietly on the sidelines. She is aggressively championing the rights of organized labor, fighting to properly fund our public schools, and working to assure appropriate provisions for health care and social services. Her experience as a lawyer has been a catalyst for her efforts with Alina's Law, designed to help protect the victims of domestic violence. Representative Kulik has also proposed grant funding to remove blighted properties, allowing communities to attract businesses and reinvigorate main streets throughout the district. Her proposed landslide insurance legislation is designed to protect people from the devastation of heavy rains and flooding. Representative Kulik actively promotes the interests of those who elected her to serve.