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  • Published Date

    May 11, 2023
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ORDER ONLILNE AT www.PizzaMarsala.com Pizza MONROEVILLE 2677 Monroeville Blvd. 412-374-7474 Marsala MENTION SPECIAL 14" 1-Topping PIZZA $1099 + Tax COUPON FREE BREADSTICKS !! with a $20 + purchase Must Present Coupon. II No other discounts or specials applied. Expries 12-31-22 || Pines Marsals COUPON $5 off $30 No other discounts or specials applied. Pice's Marsals No other discounts or specials applied. I Must Present Coupon. Expries 12-31-22 adno=264211 ORDER ONLILNE AT www.PizzaMarsala.com Pizza MONROEVILLE 2677 Monroeville Blvd. 412-374-7474 Marsala MENTION SPECIAL 14 " 1 - Topping PIZZA $ 1099 + Tax COUPON FREE BREADSTICKS !! with a $ 20 + purchase Must Present Coupon . II No other discounts or specials applied . Expries 12-31-22 || Pines Marsals COUPON $ 5 off $ 30 No other discounts or specials applied . Pice's Marsals No other discounts or specials applied . I Must Present Coupon . Expries 12-31-22 adno = 264211