Fox Chapel is officially being recognized for its environmental efforts, especially pertaining to birds.
Audubon Society of Western Pennsylvania wildlife habitat educator Nick Stahlman recently presented borough council with a certificate from Bird Town Pennsylvania and the Pennsylvania Audubon Council as an official Bird Town.
Stahlman also presented new Bird Town street signs to be installed in key Fox Chapel intersections to help announce the new distinction.
“It’s very exciting,” he said shortly after the presentation Dec. 16. “This is a partnership that started this year with Bird Town Pennsylvania. We’ve really been trying to build as many (towns) within Southwestern Pa. as possible. Up to this point, Bird Town Pennsylvania has really been focused on Eastern Pa. It’s kind of more out of Philadelphia and the surrounding counties out there. They had no presence over here.”
Bird Town Pennsylvania is a statewide grassroots program that partners with local towns and organizations such as the Audubon Society to promote community-based conservation actions to create a healthier, more sustainable environment for wildlife, birds and people.
Municipalities can get plaques, proclamations and other recognition for their efforts to help birds and their environment as part of the four-tiered level certification program. Bird Town costs taxpayers nothing.
Fox Chapel applied in June as one of the first in Allegheny County.
“We’re thrilled to be a part of it,” council President Andrew Bennett said.
Freeport, Clinton, Millvale, Swissvale and Avalon also are on board.
Towns start out at the green, or introductory, level and later get placed in a bronze, silver or gold level depending on an annual report of its conservation efforts.
Categories in the report include municipal actions, school district actions, community engagement, habitat enhancement, collaborations and general advocacy.
Fox Chapel has a great shot at reaching gold. Environmental educators have had programs at the Fox Chapel Area School District.
The borough hosts tree plantings, has its own parks conservancy and is home to the Beechwood Farms Nature Reserve and the Audubon Society of Western Pennsylvania.
Mayor Alex Scott said he is ready for Fox Chapel to bring home the gold, citing those educational recreation facilities among other bird-friendly programs.
“It certainly lends itself to what we’re trying to be, which is more tuned in to nature rather than just houses and roads,” Scott said. “We didn’t think we’d have any problem qualifying for (Bird Town). We’ll see (if we get gold). I don’t want to predict, but we will work for it.”
The mayor suggested putting one of the new street signs at Delafield and Fox Chapel roads.
The report encapsulating 2024’s environmental efforts will be filed by the end of January by the borough’s Bird Town committee.
Its members include parks commissioners Jeff Beyer, Melinda Guinn and chair Carrie Casey. They also submitted the borough’s initial application.
Guinn said they are still compiling data for the report.
Some of the highlights will include having 1,500 trees planted and more than 100 students engaged in volunteer projects such as identifying 600 hemlock trees within the borough’s park system.
“I’m proud of this community and the commitment that we’re making to support birds and wildlife,” Guinn said.
Beyer said he is excited about networking with Bird Town Pennsylvania.
“It serves as a guide for us and a resource for information,” he said. “It connects us up with other groups around the state who are doing the same thing, so we don’t have to reinvent the wheel all the time.”
Bird boon
Building bird populations also can be a boon to the economy.
A 2022 study by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service reported 96 million people — 30% of the country — who observe, feed or photograph birds, visit parks to view birds or plant natural areas at home to benefit birds.
More than $6 out of every $10 spent in 2022 on wildlife-related recreation — which includes hunting and fishing — came from bird-watching, according to
Last year, more than $250 billion was spent on the hobby, including the purchase of binoculars, cameras and bird food.