Slide repairs will close section of Leechburg Road through mid-April

PennDOT is alerting motorists of slide remediation work starting March 17, weather permitting, on Leechburg Road in Penn Hills.

The work requires the closure of a portion of Leechburg Road between Courtney Avenue and Sutton Drive. The around-the-clock closure is expected to remain in place through mid-April. The work also entails drainage improvements and shoulder and roadway reconstruction.

Traffic will be detoured east of the closure in the following manner: From Leechburg Road turn left onto Milltown Road; turn left onto Hulton Road; continue on Hulton Road; turn left onto Saltsburg Road; and follow Saltsburg Road back to Leechburg Road. For west of the closure, the detour is the same but in the opposite direction.

Crews from A. Liberoni Inc. are conducting the work.

Sorority chapter offering $500 scholarship to students in need

The Gamma Alpha Tau Zeta chapter of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority Inc. is offering a $500 Overcomers Scholarship.

The scholarship is open to Western Pennsylvania students of any age who are enrolled in school and who demonstrate financial need and can share how they have overcome adversity.

The scholarship, which honors the late GATZ charter member LaTonya Frazier, aims to help provide access to higher education for individuals who may otherwise be unable to afford it.

The deadline to apply is March 31. To apply, visit

Zeta Phi Beta Sorority was founded in 1920 at Howard University in Washington, D.C. It is committed to scholarship, service, sisterly love and finer womanhood. For details about the GATZ chapter, which is based in Penn Hills, visit

2 collections set for yard waste

Penn Hills is offering two collection dates for its spring leaf and yard waste composting program.

The collection dates will be April 7 and 14; both are Mondays.

All waste must be in approved paper leaf bags, with the tops folded closed (no staples or tape). They should be placed curbside Sunday evening. Any leaf or yard wasted not in approved bags will not be picked up. Bags must be under 30 pounds; heavier bags and those filled with inappropriate material will not be picked up.

Acceptable material includes loose leaves; garden residue such as flowers and plants, with no roots attached; shrubbery; and tree trimmings smaller than a half-inch in diameter.

Unacceptable material includes ground-up leaves, grass, dirt, stones, roots, taped or plastic bags, boxes and unapproved bags.

Residents are reminded there is an ordinance against raking leaves to the curb.

Acceptable yard waste also can be dropped off at the municipal compost site throughout the year by making an appointment with the public works department at 412-798-2151, weather permitting. A minimum of 24 hours notice is needed to schedule an appointment.

For details about the program, visit

Egg hunt features 2 time slots this year

An Easter Egg Hunt for children will be held at 11 a.m. and 1 p.m. April 19 in Penn Hills Park.

This year, the Penn Hills Parks and Recreation Department is offering two time slots: 11 to 11:30 a.m. and 1 to 1:30 p.m.

Each registered child will receive a treat bag featuring crafts and snacks.

Space is limited, and registration is required by April 11.

For details or to register, call the department at 412-798-2147.

Spring events set for children

The Penn Hills Parks and Recreation Department recently announced its lineup of spring events for children and families.

• Kids Painting and Craft: Session 1 will be from 10 to 11 a.m. April 12; Session 2 will be from 10 to 11 a.m. May 10.

• Kids in the Kitchen: Session 1 will be from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. April 16 and feature a take-and-bake entree; Session 2 will be from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. May 21 and feature a take-and-bake dessert.

• Family Trivia Challenge: 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. May 3. Join us for an afternoon of family-themed trivia. Prizes for first-, second- and third-place teams will be awarded. A pizza lunch will be provided.

All classes are held at Rolling Hills Church, 120 Gernert Drive.

Registration is required for all of the above events. To sign up, call the department at 412-798-2147.

Service group seeks input from senior residents

The Riverview Community Action Corporation is conducting a survey of area residents 55 and older in order to best meet their needs.

RCAC is a nonprofit organization that offers a wide range of programs and services to older adults. Its board is exploring how the organization can be even more valuable to all older adults living in Penn Hills, Verona and Oakmont who wish to age well and have the best possible quality of life.

The survey is a way to assess how RCAC can help. Senior residents of those communities are encouraged to complete an online survey at Everyone who submits a survey will be entered for a chance to win a $50 gift certificate to Giant Eagle.

The deadline to complete the survey is March 21.

For anyone who prefers to complete the survey over the phone or in person, call 412-828-1062 to schedule a phone survey or stop by the RCAC, 501 Second St., Oakmont.

Flea market, bake sale to benefit community center

The Riverview Community Action Center, 501 Second St. in Oakmont, is planning a flea market and bake sale from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. April 12.

The event will be held indoors; visitors should use the Delaware Avenue entrance.

There will be something for everyone.

All proceeds will benefit the Riverview Community Action Center, which serves the surrounding communities.

Credit cards will be accepted.

More Real ID days set for spring

The Penn Hills PennDOT Driver License Center, 11620 Keleket Drive, will host a Real ID Day from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. April 14 and May 5.

Applications for Real IDs will be the only services available during the event. No other driver’s license business will be conducted.

Starting on May 7, anyone 18 or older will need a Real ID or another acceptable form of identification to fly domestically or visit certain federal and military facilities, as well as enter nuclear power plants.

A valid passport or military ID will be able used in lieu of the Real ID for domestic commercial flights.

The Real ID is denoted as a star icon on one’s driver’s license.

Though the Real ID is optional for Pennsylvanians, according to the commonwealth’s website, the state Department of Transportation is hosting Real ID Days across the state to help residents get their documents verified and imaged.

PennDOT will need to verify your identity, Social Security number and Pennsylvania residency, even if you already have a Pennsylvania driver’s license or photo ID card.

For a list of documents required to apply, visit

Tickets available for spring musical

Penn Hills High School’s thespians are gearing up for their spring musical, “Dirty Rotten Scoundrels,” which will run April 3-6 at the school’s auditorium, 309 Collins Drive.

Show times are from 7 to 10 p.m. April 3, 4 and 5 and 2 to 5 p.m. April 6.

“Dirty Rotten Scoundrels” brings the art of the con to the stage with charm, wit and a good dose of humor.

Tickets, which are $8 for students and $12 for adults, can be ordered online at A 20-cent service fee will be charged for student tickets, and a 30-cent fee will apply to adult tickets.

August Wilson center seeks artwork for upcoming exhibit

The August Wilson African American Cultural Center is inviting artists of African descent living in the Greater Pittsburgh area to submit work for Being/Seen, a group exhibition opening in May.

Selected artwork will be displayed at the center’s first-floor galleries, including the Victoria Gallery and Yvonne Cook Family Regional Gallery. The group exhibition will run concurrently with “Determined to Be: The Sculpture of John Rhoden,” the first major retrospective of prolific 20th century African American sculptor John W. Rhoden (1916-2001).

Artists may submit new or existing work that reflects their personal experience or perspective on Being/Seen.

Emerging, early-career and established artists 18 and older from Allegheny, Armstrong, Beaver, Butler, Fayette, Lawrence, Washington and Westmoreland counties are encouraged to submit work. All mediums will be considered.

The deadline to apply is April 6, and the submission fee is a $5 to $15 suggested donation.

For details about the exhibit’s theme and to access the online submission form, visit

Artists will be notified directly in early May. Selection includes a $190 honorarium and complimentary one-year membership to the August Wilson African American Cultural Center.

For questions, contact

Bingo night to help Rosedale firefighters

The Rosedale Civic Association is hosting a bingo fundraiser March 29 at Redeemer Lutheran High School, 121 Dawn Drive, Penn Hills.

Doors will open at 6 p.m., and bingo starts at 7.

Tickets cost $20 and includes six bingo cards for each of the 10 regular games. There will be cash prizes.

All proceeds go toward purchasing protective gear for firefighters at the Rosedale Volunteer Fire Department.

Additional bingo cards and special games cost extra.

There will be a 50-50 and auction. Food and soft drinks will be available for purchase.

For tickets, email

Applications being accepted for seasonal work in parks

Penn Hills currently is looking for seasonal maintenance workers for the upcoming parks season.

These workers carry out park maintenance duties to keep the grounds safe and clean. They are assigned to various parks for janitorial, pavilion/ball field upkeep and grounds services.

Work takes place outdoors and is assigned as needed. Hours will vary but primarily take place on weekend afternoons and evenings.

The position requires extensive walking and standing on possible uneven terrain, the operation of a motor vehicle and heavy lifting and carrying of supplies such as equipment and picnic tables.

Applications are available online at and can be emailed once completed to John Scaglione, assistant superintendent of the public works and parks and recreation departments, at

Completed applications also can be delivered by mail or in person to the Penn Hills Government Center, 102 Duff Road, Pittsburgh, PA 15235.

All applicants must have the necessary state and federal clearances/background checks to obtain employment.

For details, call 412-798-2147.

Tree Adoption Event planned for April 12

The Penn Hills Shade Tree Commission once again is partnering with Tree Pittsburgh for its second Tree Adoption Event from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. April 12 at the Sycamore Pavilion in Penn Hills Community Park, 120 Colorado St.

Residents are invited to add some beauty to their yard with up to two free trees from the Penn Hills group and Tree Pittsburgh.

Additional information about Tree Pittsburgh’s Tree Adoptions is available on its website at

Closer to the event, a registration link to Tree Pittsburgh will be provided on PHSTC’s website at Once the link is available, residents will be able to select the type of tree or trees they want to reserve for pickup during the adoption event April 12.

Community invited to Arbor Day celebration

The Penn Hills Shade Tree Commission is planning its seventh annual Arbor Day celebration from 2 to 4 p.m. April 26 at Duff Park in Penn Hills.

The park is near the Penn Hills Municipal Center along Duff Road.

The rain date will be April 27.

As part of the celebration, the community is invited to help plant new trees in the park.

Spring Craft Fair set at Masonic lodge

The Plum Creek Masonic Lodge is planning a Spring Craft Fair from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. March 30.

The lodge is at 9521 Saltsburg Road in Plum.

For details or to participate, contact Wayne at or call 412-916-5835.

Spring Fabric Fair to benefit Salvation Army

The Salvation Army is presenting its annual Spring Fabric Fair on April 12.

The one-day sale, made possible by the Salvation Army Greater Pittsburgh Women’s Auxiliary, will be from 8:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. at the Salvation Army Pittsburgh Temple Worship and Service Center, 1060 McNeilly Road, Mt. Lebanon.

For more than three decades, this fundraiser has offered bargains on rare fabrics, unique patterns and a variety of materials and equipment needed for crocheting, knitting, quilting and “sew” much more.

After exploring inside, shoppers can enjoy a $10 bag sale outdoors, which will be stocked with a variety of materials.

Since its inception, the fabric fairs have raised more than $800,000, with all proceeds providing critical assistance to individuals and families throughout Allegheny County.

Admission is free. Complimentary parking will be available on-site, with free shuttles running from two satellite parking locations at Keystone Oaks’ middle and high schools. Snacks and lunch items also will be available for purchase.

Carts and strollers are prohibited, and reusable shopping bags are encouraged.

The Spring Fabric Fair is made possible by donations of all the items for sale. There always is a need for donated items, as well as additional volunteers to measure and sort fabric in preparation for the fair.

Donations are accepted from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Wednesdays, February through October, at the Salvation Army warehouse, 820 Parish St., Green Tree. Please note that fabric donations will not be accepted during the fair.

For details, call 412-446-1500 or visit Follow The Salvation Army Greater Pittsburgh Women’s Auxiliary on Facebook and @salarmypgh on Instagram to preview items for sale.

Mark your calenders: The Fall Fabric Fair will be Oct. 4.

Blood drive set at high school

Vitalant is hosting a blood drive from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. March 27 at Penn Hills High School, one of dozens of blood drives the group is holding in the Pittsburgh area this month.

Donors who participate at any Vitalant site during the month will automatically be entered for a chance to win one of two $5,000 prepaid gift cards.

All blood types are needed, but the greatest need is for type O — the most compatible when a patient’s blood type is unknown.

To make an appointment, visit

2 museums offering free admission for kids in March

Admission to the Senator John Heinz History Center and Fort Pitt Museum will be free for children 17 and younger during Women’s History Month, thanks to support from community partners UPMC and UPMC Health Plan.

Throughout March, youngsters will get free general admission to the Smithsonian-affiliated History Center, which includes the Western Pennsylvania Sports Museum, and the Fort Pitt Museum, located in historic Point State Park. Regular admission applies for all adult visitors and groups.

The museums also offered free admission for children during Black History Month in February.

At the History Center, families can explore six floors of award-winning exhibitions and interactive learning spaces. Visitors can:

Spiral down a 12-foot Liberty Tube slide in the Great Hall and design pop art, construct bridges and more in the interactive Discovery Place exhibition.

Explore the Neighborhood of Make-Believe featuring the original set and puppets in the Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood exhibition.

Exercise their minds and bodies while climbing the UPMC SmartSteps, the world’s only history exhibition in a stairwell. Punch a stamp card on all six floors to win a free Heinz pickle pin.

Land a space rover on the surface of the Moon inside the Apollo 11 section of “Pittsburgh: A Tradition of Innovation.”

Throw a touchdown pass to legendary Steelers and score the winning goal for the Penguins inside the two-floor Western Pennsylvania Sports Museum.

At the Fort Pitt Museum, families can explore the history and culture of American Indian tribes who once called Western Pennsylvania home through a new exhibit titled “Homelands: Native Nations of Allegheny.”

Created in collaboration with federally recognized Delaware, Seneca, Seneca-Cayuga and Shawnee tribes, the exhibit illuminates the past, present and future of the region’s Native tribes with rare artifacts and new scholarship.

The History Center and Fort Pitt Museum are open daily from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.

For details, visit

Group offers support for weight loss

All are welcome to join the men and women at Oakmont TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly) who are learning how to lose weight.

With in-person meetings, rewards, support and encouragement, we gain knowledge of healthy eating and exercise.

You may visit with no obligation Tuesdays at 5:45 p.m. at Redeemer Lutheran Church, 1261 Pennsylvania Ave. in Oakmont. Weigh-in is private followed by a brief business meeting, sharing time, and educational program all ending by 7:15.

Station 225 seeks junior firefighters

Station 225 of the Penn Hills Volunteer Fire Department is accepting applications for its new Junior Firefighter Program.

The program is open to 16- and 17-year-olds.

For details or to apply, call the station at 412-731-2222, email or stop by the station from 7 to 9 p.m. any Tuesday.

In 2024, Station 225, located at 2997 Robinson Blvd., responded to 600 calls. The department encourages members of the community to join in its lifesaving efforts.

Verona seeks firefighters, junior members

The Verona Volunteer Fire Company is accepting applictions for active firefighters as well as junior members 16 and 17 years of age.

Interested individuals can stop by the fire station, 465 Parker St., from 6:30 to 9:30 p.m. Mondays.

Training is provided through the Allegheny County Fire Academy.

Free books available monthly for kids through age 5

Children who reside in the 15235 ZIP code are eligible to receive free books every month until their 5th birthday through Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library program in conjunction with Reading Ready Pittsburgh.

The program, which aims to inspire a love of reading, is open to all children within the city of Pittsburgh and 18 ZIP codes in the Mon Valley area.

Each month, a new, carefully selected book will be mailed in your child’s name directly to your home. The first book is always the classic “The Little Engine That Could.”

For details about the program and to enroll your child, visit

Cub Scout Pack 817 seeks members

Cub Scout Pack 817 is looking for new members.

Boys and girls in grades K-5 are welcome to see what the fun is all about. Pack 817 meets from 6:30 to 8 p.m. every Wednesday, September through May, at the Rosedale Volunteer Fire Department, 5806 Verona Road.

Cub Scouts offers members many opportunities to try new things, provide service to others, build confidence, develop leadership skills and make new friends.

Members of Pack 817 participate in pinewood derby races, crafts and cooking, Cubmobile challenges, rocket launches, camping and more. There also are summer activities.

For more information about Pack 817, contact Cubmaster Randy Ford at 412-852-5840 or

Free clothing available

Mt. Hope Community Church, 12106 Frankstown Road, operates a free Clothesline to people in need from 10 a.m. to noon every Thursday.

Parking is available behind the church, and there is a bus stop nearby at Frankstown Road and Parkridge Drive.

Clothing for women, men and children of all ages is available, as well as some shoes and accessories.

Bags are provided, but visitors also are encouraged to bring their own.

The church also is accepting and loaning gently used children’s books.

For details, call 412-793-0227 or visit