Aspinwall police are asking for the public’s help in identifying a man they say is targeting homeowners that display banners and flags with President Donald Trump’s name.
Aspinwall Chief David Nemec confirmed Monday that two separate incidents involving the same male suspect occurred in the fall and most recently on Friday. The first incident was on Fourth Street and the second on Third Street.
“He seems to be targeting people with Trump flags and banners. He could just be driving around and when he sees one, it just sets him off,” Nemec said.
Two separate police reports were filed but the man’s identity remains a mystery, despite numerous social media posts made by authorities and residents to Facebook.
Police have released screenshots taken from a video of the first incident, which happened at the home of Donald Mazreku last October.
The Aspinwall homeowner said he was working in his living room when he noticed a car stop in the middle of Fourth Street. A man jumped out and left the door open.
Mazreku, 53, said he assumed the man was a delivery driver and did not pay attention. But as the man approached his home, Mazreku quickly realized the body language and verbal insults coming from the man were not those of a delivery person.
The man yelled a profanity-laced, repetitive vulgar stream of insults and swatted at the Trump flag and directed his verbal attack toward Mazreku, he said.
Mazreku said he stood in disbelief at the window, witnessing the man’s actions, and motioned with his hand for the man to move along.
Mazreku’s security camera caught the incident. He later shared the video on Facebook.
In the video, the man can be seen getting into his car and driving away.
The video of the suspect contains language that is too offensive to link to in this TribLive story.
“I believe he targeted me because I had a Trump flag. I believe that it was politically motivated,” Mazreku said.
Nemec said the man’s vehicle is believed to be a blue Kia but authorities don’t have a license plate number for it, despite checking the borough’s license plate reader cameras.
“The main thing is maintaining the safety of Aspinwall. Since this happened again, you don’t know what’s going through this man’s head,” Nemec said. “This guy just seems to have an issue with Trump signs. We want to talk to him and find out what’s going on and see if he does have any issues.”
Nemec stressed that anyone with information about the suspect should call 911 first and avoid posting on social media.
“Do not confront him. Call 911 first, even before the borough police station so we can be there right away,” Nemec said.
Additionally, Aspinwall police submitted a photo of the man for facial recognition evaluation by the Pennsylvania State Police and that came up empty.
The unidentified white man is estimated by police to be in his middle to late 40s with short hair and a slim build. He can be seen wearing glasses in the video.
“Local police departments have been unable to identify the guy,” Nemec said.
Police departments in Western Pennsylvania have been alerted to be on the lookout for the suspect, Nemec said.
The suspect faces disorderly conduct and trespass charges, both misdemeanors.
Jessica Haggerty was at her Third Street home Friday with her 19-year-old son when her son noticed an alert concerning their property.
Their Ring footage showed an adult male walking onto her porch, opening a screen door and spitting on the front door and walking away.
“I was in shock. My son actually went outside and couldn’t find the man,” Haggerty said.
Aspinwall Mayor Joe Noro happens to live next door to the Haggertys. He assisted by contacting Aspinwall police on Haggerty’s behalf.
Haggerty filed a police report that same day.
Haggerty was aware of the similar incident from October. She said her son cleaned the spit from the door immediately.
Living in Aspinwall for 15 years, Haggerty said this type of targeted attack is shocking.
”I have never seen him before,” Haggerty said of the man. “I believe it’s because I have a Trump banner, and it’s politically motivated.”
Haggerty has no plans to remove the sign.
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“We’re not going to let this change anything,” Haggerty said.
Safety first
Aspinwall Councilman Lou Curcio said the events have affected borough residents and he offered assurance that officials are doing all they can to identify the man.
“Our goal is to keep Aspinwall and our residents safe. There is no tolerance for this type of behavior here,” Curcio said. “I know that Mayor Noro, Chief Nemec and Deputy Chief Vith are working very hard to find the suspect.”
Haggerty noted that people of all political views have offered support.
“Everyone is in shock that this has happened. A lady who is a Democrat stopped me on the street to tell me they hope they find him and that she’s sorry this happened,” she said.
Flooded with emotions since the incident, Haggerty is hopeful the public will deliver on revealing the man’s identity.
Both Mazreku and Haggerty plan to press charges if the man is arrested.
“It makes me a little nervous that he may come back. It’s nerve-wracking,” Haggerty said. “I am surprised that nobody knows who he is.”
Mazreku said Monday he was appalled to hear that another incident recently occurred.
“My heart goes out to her family. No one should be treated this way,” Mazreku said. “I think (Aspinwall is) a politically diverse community, and we value each other’s perspectives and we don’t allow politics to dictate how we care for one another.”
Mazreku took the Trump flag down last year before Halloween.
Noro, the mayor, had a message for the public and the individual under investigation.
“We will not tolerate harassment of any kind for our neighbors in Aspinwall,” Noro said. “We want to catch him and make sure he doesn’t do this in any other community or to any other residents in our community.”
Anyone with information on this individual is asked to call 911.