Hempfield supervisors voted 3-2 Monday to allow a change in zoning on 100 acres of farmland that could clear the way for a residential development.

The vote came after a 70-minute public hearing during which nearly a dozen residents opposed the change, some vehemently, citing concerns about increased traffic, water runoff, infrastructure and loss of wildlife habitat and green space.

“When is enough homes enough in our area?” Bonnie Murphy asked supervisors. “The developers come in without any concerns for the people currently living here, they make their money and they’re gone.”

It’s the second time the township has held a zoning hearing on the matter. Supervisors tabled the decision in January after hearing similar opposition from residents. Late notification of that hearing prompted Monday’s second session, which saw a larger crowd.

The zoning change request was made by John and Betty Guzzy, who own vacant property at the intersection of Route 819, Albrights Lake Road and Valley Green Road between Greensburg and Armbrust. John Guzzy died in January.

Eric Guzzy said during the hearing that his parents bought the property in 1989 with hopes of building homes on it, but those plans fell through. Now, the developer of a nearby housing plan along Valley Green Road has offered to buy the land, but it had to be switched from agricultural use to suburban residential to accomodate a proposed development.

“My mom, myself and my father sat down and we decided that’s the type of home we wanted to see on our ground,” he said.

Nearby residents and property owners don’t want to see any homes there.

“My concern is if I get water downstream, a lot more than I’m used to getting, we’re going to have problems,” said Jason Wilkinson, owner of a nearby nursery that bears his name.

Attorney Donald J. Palmer said residential development there runs contrary to the township’s comprehensive plan, which indicates the area of the Guzzy property would stay undeveloped. Palmer was retained by John Keenan, whose son operates a farm on a neighboring parcel.

“Your own comprehensive plan has three maps, all of which indicate this property is not going to be developed,” Palmer said.

Don Tarosky Jr. of Colony Holding Co., which has an agreement with the Guzzy family, said he appreciates the passion of residents.

“We want to make sure we are welcomed and we want to be sure and cognizant with all of you that all of their concerns are addressed and met,” he said to supervisors. “If that changes the design, if that changes traffic control … so be it.”

Many of the residents’ questions are related to potential impacts of the project, such as a traffic and infrastructure, that will be addressed during the next phase, township officials said. Plans submitted by the developer will ultimately come before the board of supervisors for approval.

Supervisors George Reese and Tom Logan opposed the zoning change.

“You are affecting the quality of people’s lives,” Reese said. “All I can tell the people here this evening: don’t give up.”

Logan thanked residents for expressing their concerns.

“Even though the vote may have not went the way that you had hoped it would go, this process is not over,” he said. “They will have to present a developmental plan that we will be able to review extensively and ask a lot of your questions and concerns and make sure they’re addressed through that process. Please continue to be involved. Please continue to stay aware of what’s happening. And we will do the best we can to help to make this process as transparent as possible for you.”