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  • Published Date

    June 17, 2024
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PA residents hit Jackpot with 'Old Vegas' Casino Rolls Up for grabs for the next 2-days: Casino Rolls loaded with rarely seen American Eagle Ike Large Dollar Coins just like the old Casino Slots paid out, all coins are decades old and never to be minted again by the U.S. Gov't American Eagle Casino Roll Handout: Strict limit of 6 'Old Vegas' Casino Rolls per caller has been imposed DUNES 701018 181811 THE RAT PACK "Wetting the jackpot on an old V The's becae fort Casino Holls, B the world famous Casinos g holding one in you in the glory days of Dvis, Dean Martin Old Vegas Casino Rolls could be worth meday, The American Eagle e Large Dollar Collare decades old and be struck again by the US tired 40th Tresurer of the How to get the 'Old Vegas' Casino Rolls: Greetings from Las Vegas CASIS CASINO United States of America and now is the All readers of today's paper pub lication that beat the deadline will gets free presidential dollar roll Call toll free: 1-866-964-TITE and give the Preme Code IX VEGAS SLOTS Shown left is a post card from the famous Dunes Casino. The hotel opened on the strip in 1955 Over the years, millions have flocked to the world famous Las Vegas Casinos the Dunes hoping to h the jackpot. Of course many hit big time, and now for the next 2-days everyone who ca feel he a winner100 That's because the Old Vegas Casino Ro filled with American Eagle ke Large Do Coins ke those that filed the "loose" Casino Slots decades ago now actually being handed over today's callers who beat the 2-day deadline. beginning at 8:30am The Toll-Free Hotlines are expected to be overwhelmed. That's why every hoping to get their hands on these Vegas Casino Rolls are being urged calling. All calls will be rever ROL Cadino Rolls to will ever forget your ty and they be they wecalling to get the decades old American Eagle 1 Coins That's the lowest price deal for these c Hollow the days That CALL TOLL-FREE: 1-866-964-7172 and They are in brand new pict 15 Vega Casio Bols with the same American Tage The Large D lar Coins the one Las Vegas Sign Show G Lincoln Tury no telling what they could one day be worth, PO Box 991, Canton, OH 44711 Today's cales seed to reber this These are not ordinary rolls of Large Dollar comes Pack days of the owly w you get T CHANCE You've heard the old saying today's Puble le Casinos were all the rage. These rolls are no Lincoln Try, each with 15 US Govt in nough to beat the 2-day d ABING ROLLS 4OF A KIND CASINO ROLL Baina Rella That's because after the role we with there UG Eagle ke Large Dollar Coins, each American Eagle Ike Large Dellar 01 LADY LIBERTY PRESIDENTIAL DOLLAR CON WITH EVERY CASINO ROLL With each Casino Pa US Gove Liberty Presidential Dollar Coin is included FREE of Camino Ros, you'll also get six of these beaut presidental dollar cow they LAS JACKPOT 777 on an band. That's because the dates and m American Eagle e D at you might find Cal tisu 1-866-964-7172 and use promo code: IKE156. Choose S Minted in Denver and San Francisco AS HOW MUCH ARE THE OLD VEGAS' CASINO ROLLS WORTH The believe theyle a real st the dates and mint marks of the US Gov Eagle Large Dollar Coins daway inside the 15 count fluctuate and there a but each Old Veg Co tains American Eagle Large Dollar cons that are decades did. Any scarce co regardless of their value that you may find inside the sealed Old Vegas Casino R are yours to keep One thing that is known PA residents hit Jackpot with ' Old Vegas ' Casino Rolls Up for grabs for the next 2 - days : Casino Rolls loaded with rarely seen American Eagle Ike Large Dollar Coins just like the old Casino Slots paid out , all coins are decades old and never to be minted again by the U.S. Gov't American Eagle Casino Roll Handout : Strict limit of 6 ' Old Vegas ' Casino Rolls per caller has been imposed DUNES 701018 181811 THE RAT PACK " Wetting the jackpot on an old V The's becae fort Casino Holls , B the world famous Casinos g holding one in you in the glory days of Dvis , Dean Martin Old Vegas Casino Rolls could be worth meday , The American Eagle e Large Dollar Collare decades old and be struck again by the US tired 40th Tresurer of the How to get the ' Old Vegas ' Casino Rolls : Greetings from Las Vegas CASIS CASINO United States of America and now is the All readers of today's paper pub lication that beat the deadline will gets free presidential dollar roll Call toll free : 1-866-964 - TITE and give the Preme Code IX VEGAS SLOTS Shown left is a post card from the famous Dunes Casino . The hotel opened on the strip in 1955 Over the years , millions have flocked to the world famous Las Vegas Casinos the Dunes hoping to h the jackpot . Of course many hit big time , and now for the next 2 - days everyone who ca feel he a winner100 That's because the Old Vegas Casino Ro filled with American Eagle ke Large Do Coins ke those that filed the " loose " Casino Slots decades ago now actually being handed over today's callers who beat the 2 - day deadline . beginning at 8:30 am The Toll - Free Hotlines are expected to be overwhelmed . That's why every hoping to get their hands on these Vegas Casino Rolls are being urged calling . All calls will be rever ROL Cadino Rolls to will ever forget your ty and they be they wecalling to get the decades old American Eagle 1 Coins That's the lowest price deal for these c Hollow the days That CALL TOLL - FREE : 1-866-964-7172 and They are in brand new pict 15 Vega Casio Bols with the same American Tage The Large D lar Coins the one Las Vegas Sign Show G Lincoln Tury no telling what they could one day be worth , PO Box 991 , Canton , OH 44711 Today's cales seed to reber this These are not ordinary rolls of Large Dollar comes Pack days of the owly w you get T CHANCE You've heard the old saying today's Puble le Casinos were all the rage . These rolls are no Lincoln Try , each with 15 US Govt in nough to beat the 2 - day d ABING ROLLS 4OF A KIND CASINO ROLL Baina Rella That's because after the role we with there UG Eagle ke Large Dollar Coins , each American Eagle Ike Large Dellar 01 LADY LIBERTY PRESIDENTIAL DOLLAR CON WITH EVERY CASINO ROLL With each Casino Pa US Gove Liberty Presidential Dollar Coin is included FREE of Camino Ros , you'll also get six of these beaut presidental dollar cow they LAS JACKPOT 777 on an band . That's because the dates and m American Eagle e D at you might find Cal tisu 1-866-964-7172 and use promo code : IKE156 . Choose S Minted in Denver and San Francisco AS HOW MUCH ARE THE OLD VEGAS ' CASINO ROLLS WORTH The believe theyle a real st the dates and mint marks of the US Gov Eagle Large Dollar Coins daway inside the 15 count fluctuate and there a but each Old Veg Co tains American Eagle Large Dollar cons that are decades did . Any scarce co regardless of their value that you may find inside the sealed Old Vegas Casino R are yours to keep One thing that is known