adno=351506 TURKEY GIVEAWAY Saturday, November 23rd 9:00 - 11:30 am To reserve your FREE turkey: Call 724-864-1570 FIRST 30 CALLERS on NOVEMBER 19TH ONLY Call between 9:00 am 9:45 am (no reservations will be accepted from the answering machine or before 9 on the 19th) ONE TURKEY PER FAMILY Norwin Alliance Church 10585 Farview Drive - North Huntingdon adno = 351506 TURKEY GIVEAWAY Saturday , November 23rd 9:00 - 11:30 am To reserve your FREE turkey : Call 724-864-1570 FIRST 30 CALLERS on NOVEMBER 19TH ONLY Call between 9:00 am 9:45 am ( no reservations will be accepted from the answering machine or before 9 on the 19th ) ONE TURKEY PER FAMILY Norwin Alliance Church 10585 Farview Drive - North Huntingdon