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  • Published Date

    June 10, 2019
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SPECIAL INTRODUCTORY OFFER ONLY Reassure $7.95 Worry less. Do more Overnight Underwear per bag delivered FREE SHIPPING! Our most absorbent underwear for Men and Women! FREE SHIPPING (Anywhere in the continental U.S.) Reassure Compare to Depend AND SAVE! Also available: NEW! Flex-Shape Pads BONUS! FREE Sample Pack with purchase! Call Toll-Free 24 hours a day! 1-855-278-1150 Visit us on the web at www.tryhdis.com or mail your order form today! HDIS Complete and clip this form, then mail to HDIS at the address below Not available in Alaska or Hawai. Ship to address (No Post Office Boxes, please): Name Street Address City State Zip Daytime phone ( E-mail Female Male Offer expires 10/31/2019. Good only at HDIS Payment Options (check one): Check or money order enclosed (Payable to HDIS) Bill my: MasterCard Visa Discover D American Express Exp. Date Card Number Signature Please choose ONE of the following bags: Reassure Overnight Underwear Small Medium (34- Reassure Pads (20-34" waist/hip) 18/bag Premium Overnight Contour 30/bag 33/bag 39/bag 48/bag waist/hip) 16/bag Large (44-58" waist/hip) 16/bag Flex-Shape, Heavy Plus X-Large (58-68" waist/hip) 12/bag Flex-Shape, Heavy Flex-Shape, Ultimate BONUS! FREE Sample Pack with up to 10 FREE valuable samples! Grand Total Due $7.95 Mail to: HDIS Reassure Offer 9385 Dielman Ind. Drive Olivette, MO 63132 Limit one trial bag per household. New customers only. Offer subject to change. Special Offer Code: Depend logo is a registered trademark of Kimberly-Clark Worldwide, Inc Flex-Shape is a trademark of Reassure, LLC 026564 2019, HDIS SPECIAL INTRODUCTORY OFFER ONLY Reassure $7.95 Worry less. Do more Overnight Underwear per bag delivered FREE SHIPPING! Our most absorbent underwear for Men and Women! FREE SHIPPING (Anywhere in the continental U.S.) Reassure Compare to Depend AND SAVE! Also available: NEW! Flex-Shape Pads BONUS! FREE Sample Pack with purchase! Call Toll-Free 24 hours a day! 1-855-278-1150 Visit us on the web at www.tryhdis.com or mail your order form today! HDIS Complete and clip this form, then mail to HDIS at the address below Not available in Alaska or Hawai. Ship to address (No Post Office Boxes, please): Name Street Address City State Zip Daytime phone ( E-mail Female Male Offer expires 10/31/2019. Good only at HDIS Payment Options (check one): Check or money order enclosed (Payable to HDIS) Bill my: MasterCard Visa Discover D American Express Exp. Date Card Number Signature Please choose ONE of the following bags: Reassure Overnight Underwear Small Medium (34- Reassure Pads (20-34" waist/hip) 18/bag Premium Overnight Contour 30/bag 33/bag 39/bag 48/bag waist/hip) 16/bag Large (44-58" waist/hip) 16/bag Flex-Shape, Heavy Plus X-Large (58-68" waist/hip) 12/bag Flex-Shape, Heavy Flex-Shape, Ultimate BONUS! FREE Sample Pack with up to 10 FREE valuable samples! Grand Total Due $7.95 Mail to: HDIS Reassure Offer 9385 Dielman Ind. Drive Olivette, MO 63132 Limit one trial bag per household. New customers only. Offer subject to change. Special Offer Code: Depend logo is a registered trademark of Kimberly-Clark Worldwide, Inc Flex-Shape is a trademark of Reassure, LLC 026564 2019, HDIS