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Spina Law Associates - John Paul Spina

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4315 Butler St
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Lawyering has been part of Chris Spina's family for two generations. While attending school, college and law school, Chris owned his own landscaping and snow removal business for over twelve years. He began his law career in 1981 as a graduate of Duquesne University School of Law as an associate at the law firm of Markovitz and Vitti, P.C., which specialized in mortgage foreclosures and general practice. Chris was also a part-time Professor at Community College of Allegheny County, teaching medical and legal ethics. In 1985, he joined his father’s firm, Spina and Spina, P.C., as manager, and obtained his Pennsylvania Real Estate Broker’s license in 1984, which is current to this day. In 2002, after the death of his father, Chris started Spina Law Associates, P.C., a general practice law firm with emphasis on personal injury, wills and estates, construction law, real estate, small business, and family law.