FREE ENTRY Hot Dogs! Dogs & Democracy PICNIC Bring your pup, friends & family! Scan the QR Code to RSVP adno=343653 O'Hara Twp Community Park August 25, 2-5pm Join us to meet your local elected officials and neighbors as we Celebrate Our Right To Vote. * Kids Activities, Food, Games & Candidate Information SCAN TO RSVP MORE DETAILS & RSVP Hosted by Fox Chapel, O'Hara, Indiana Township, and Aspinwall Democratic Committees This ad paid for by the Fox Chapel Democratic Committee FREE ENTRY Hot Dogs ! Dogs & Democracy PICNIC Bring your pup , friends & family ! Scan the QR Code to RSVP adno = 343653 O'Hara Twp Community Park August 25 , 2-5pm Join us to meet your local elected officials and neighbors as we Celebrate Our Right To Vote . * Kids Activities , Food , Games & Candidate Information SCAN TO RSVP MORE DETAILS & RSVP Hosted by Fox Chapel , O'Hara , Indiana Township , and Aspinwall Democratic Committees This ad paid for by the Fox Chapel Democratic Committee