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GoodTaste! Pittsburgh

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Pittsburgh is one, big delicious city. Our deep heritage, paired with the exciting growth in new restaurants and food offerings has Pittsburgh in the spotlight like never before! GoodTaste! Pittsburgh takes pride in its contribution to the exploding local food landscape. For years, GoodTaste! shows have exposed Pittsburghers to national celebrity chefs, the best of the ‘Burgh chefs, new food trends and workshops from national companies. It is our mission to keep those passionate about the Pittsburgh food scene engaged and informed about everything that’s trending. We even host events throughout the year to showcase what’s new in the market – just another excuse to get Pittsburgh foodies together to savor and sample. We invite you to join the conversation by telling us about good tastes you’ve experienced in our fair city, new restaurants or locally sourced food items. We love to tell the stories that get people tasting!