LITTLE SISTERS OF THE POOR RUMMAGE SALE SP.1 P.150. 150 USA August 9th & 10th from 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. daily at 1028 Benton Avenue, Pittsburgh, Pa 15212 Clothing, furniture, household items, jewelry, books and assorted items Saturday is the "Bag Sale" 412-307-1100 adno-341059 LITTLE SISTERS OF THE POOR RUMMAGE SALE SP.1 P.150 . 150 USA August 9th & 10th from 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. daily at 1028 Benton Avenue , Pittsburgh , Pa 15212 Clothing , furniture , household items , jewelry , books and assorted items Saturday is the " Bag Sale " 412-307-1100 adno - 341059