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Penn Hills Charter School of Entrepreneurship

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2501 Main St
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The Penn Hills Charter School of Entrepreneurship (PHCSE) is a K-8 public school in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. We opened our doors in 2011, and have since grown to educate hundreds of students from more than fifteen (15) school districts throughout the Greater Pittsburgh region. At PHCSE students are educated in an innovative, hands-on, engaging entrepreneurship program, which is aligned with Pennsylvania Common Core standards. Our curriculum incorporates entrepreneurship theory and practice in English language arts, math, science, and social studies to bring entrepreneurial and economic concepts alive for students. Our youth entrepreneurs produce goods and services and compete in our annual pitch competition called Soaring Shark Tank. Our elected officials establish laws, Crime Stoppers keep the peace, judges arbitrate disputes, and reporters track down stories. All students develop innovative ideas, write business plans, write resumes, earn wages in the school’s “inventive” form of currency, invest in product ideas, deposit and borrow money from “inventive” banks, and pay taxes and rent. Our mission is to ensure all students have a real-life 21st-century learning experience, in an innovative, community based public school setting that enables them to reach their highest potential. Our vision is for every student to reach his or her full potential and discover the pathways for lifelong success.

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