fices. I understand the notions ing or and duty ger work because xxco orts were being desk ne in April and retired chyw Puzzle BOOM! Your Crossword Puzzle 22 26 10 11 14 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 31 32 35 36 41 48 49 53 57 63 64 66 27 42 54 58 23 39 50 59 19 43 55 15 12 24 28 44 51 65 67 33 40 20 29 37 25 13 16 17 21 30 34 60 61 62 45 46 47 52 56 6. Ballplayers' accessory 7. Retailer payment system 8. More raw 9. Atomic #81 10. Fencing sword 11. Hostilities 13. Sea dweller 15. Resinlike substance secreted by certain insects 17. Businessmen 18. Rest here please (abbr:) 21. Loud devices 23. Make a soft murmuring sound 24. One point west of due south 27. Trout 29. Type of grass 32. South American plant 34. Letter of the Greek alphabet 35. Not secure 36. Traveler 39. Sweet potato 40. Period after sunrise and before sunset 43. Some are choppy 44. Asian country 46. Genus of mosquitoes 47. Cool! 49. Shrill, wailing sound 51. A baglike structure in a plant or animal 54. Within 59. Unhappy 60. Decorate a cake with frosting 61. Videocassette recorder 62. Largest English dictionary (abbr.) 64. It cools a home PLACE YOUR AD HERE 18 38 esping ho aeffs were te ber in April and repak retired ity service in July Grey of Koe als ko and Kon Easka them acco to Kaske et projects 1 his an tion Teepak ng 5: Motional Je drogerts th dhuspectecting the v protec CLUES ACROSS 1. Hand (Spanish) 5. Siskel and 10. Seaman critics 12. Chemical weapon 14. One who eliminates 16. They precede C 18. Baseball stat 19. Americans' "uncle" 20. Cassia tree 22. Surround 23. Crisp and Pebbles are two 25. A sudden very loud sound 26. Affirmative 27. Disadvantage 35. Upstate NY city 37. Clarified butters 38. One who witnesses 40. Condemn 41. juris 42. Natural 44. Prohibit 28. Corpuscle count (abbr.) 30. OJ trial judge 31. New York art district 33. Become more bleak 3 8 9 9 4 5 60 187 4 2 3 8 6 3 9 45. Swiss river 48. Greek war god 7 14 50. 5 iron 52. New Zealand mountain parrot 42 6 53. Scandinavian surname 6 82 Answers to this week's Puzzle 55. Follows sigma 56. Doctor of Education : 083N SGO 10 Answers 03 V 3 x HV V N V 8 AHS VW MVH S 3 WOOa NES HOM 011 08H SO ZOS Tololol CNN S WVS V LSCO- H W 3H VID d 18 SM ---SOM-Z> HOS NOO NN V 1 IV S - O 1 ZOI O01 N VW o S + 57. Spanish be 58. One that feeds on bugs 63. Tooth issue H V 65. Get into n S 66. Lumps of clay N 67. Overly studious student 11 n CLUES DOWN 1. Variety of Chinese 2. Boxing's GOAT 3. Japanese classical theater 4. Prayer 5. Inspire with love Contact Us the e asian term or postiosa på or tee of tween repe V V HOL 1 W1Vd V N 1 H 3 8 3 aled complaints wen ee, aed second, beh am boped a TRIB TOTAL MEDIA PuzzleBoom Fill SUDOKU to this week's Puzzle 967874981 L8E1969z+ 1997 468 64E9789 87649E1G 89971864 +96897 9897126 79648198 fices . I understand the notions ing or and duty ger work because xxco orts were being desk ne in April and retired chyw Puzzle BOOM ! Your Crossword Puzzle 22 26 10 11 14 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 31 32 35 36 41 48 49 53 57 63 64 66 27 42 54 58 23 39 50 59 19 43 55 15 12 24 28 44 51 65 67 33 40 20 29 37 25 13 16 17 21 30 34 60 61 62 45 46 47 52 56 6. Ballplayers ' accessory 7. Retailer payment system 8. More raw 9. Atomic # 81 10. Fencing sword 11. Hostilities 13. Sea dweller 15. Resinlike substance secreted by certain insects 17. Businessmen 18. Rest here please ( abbr :) 21. Loud devices 23. Make a soft murmuring sound 24. One point west of due south 27. Trout 29. Type of grass 32. South American plant 34. Letter of the Greek alphabet 35. Not secure 36. Traveler 39. Sweet potato 40. Period after sunrise and before sunset 43. Some are choppy 44. Asian country 46. Genus of mosquitoes 47. Cool ! 49. Shrill , wailing sound 51. A baglike structure in a plant or animal 54. Within 59. Unhappy 60. Decorate a cake with frosting 61. Videocassette recorder 62. Largest English dictionary ( abbr . ) 64. It cools a home PLACE YOUR AD HERE 18 38 esping ho aeffs were te ber in April and repak retired ity service in July Grey of Koe als ko and Kon Easka them acco to Kaske et projects 1 his an tion Teepak ng 5 : Motional Je drogerts th dhuspectecting the v protec CLUES ACROSS 1. Hand ( Spanish ) 5. Siskel and 10. Seaman critics 12. Chemical weapon 14. One who eliminates 16. They precede C 18. Baseball stat 19. Americans ' " uncle " 20. Cassia tree 22. Surround 23. Crisp and Pebbles are two 25. A sudden very loud sound 26. Affirmative 27. Disadvantage 35. Upstate NY city 37. Clarified butters 38. One who witnesses 40. Condemn 41. juris 42. Natural 44. Prohibit 28. Corpuscle count ( abbr . ) 30. OJ trial judge 31. New York art district 33. Become more bleak 3 8 9 9 4 5 60 187 4 2 3 8 6 3 9 45. Swiss river 48. Greek war god 7 14 50. 5 iron 52. New Zealand mountain parrot 42 6 53. Scandinavian surname 6 82 Answers to this week's Puzzle 55. Follows sigma 56. Doctor of Education : 083N SGO 10 Answers 03 V 3 x HV V N V 8 AHS VW MVH S 3 WOOa NES HOM 011 08H SO ZOS Tololol CNN S WVS V LSCO- H W 3H VID d 18 SM --- SOM - Z > HOS NOO NN V 1 IV S - O 1 ZOI O01 N VW o S + 57. Spanish be 58. One that feeds on bugs 63. Tooth issue H V 65. Get into n S 66. Lumps of clay N 67. Overly studious student 11 n CLUES DOWN 1. Variety of Chinese 2. Boxing's GOAT 3. Japanese classical theater 4. Prayer 5. Inspire with love Contact Us the e asian term or postiosa på or tee of tween repe V V HOL 1 W1Vd V N 1 H 3 8 3 aled complaints wen ee , aed second , beh am boped a TRIB TOTAL MEDIA PuzzleBoom Fill SUDOKU to this week's Puzzle 967874981 L8E1969z + 1997 468 64E9789 87649E1G 89971864 +96897 9897126 79648198