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  • Published Date

    September 16, 2019
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CUSTOMER APPRECIATION DAYS Food Mart Springdale, PA 15144 724-715-7746 627 Pittsburgh St Glassmere www.glassmerefoodmart.com/springdale-255-2/ Hot Dogs 2/$1.00 Kielbasa $1.00 Wed., Sept. 18th Thurs., Sept. 19th AOUTSIDE FOOD & ENTERTAINMENT 2.00 OFF Rock Star Samples Turner's Giveaways Red Bull Glassmere Giveaways CHESTER'S BOB FM & Steve Rohan will be here 4-6 PM SA FM Combos on September 18th with giveaways. 96.9 39¢ Turners Tea Pints THREE 55" VIZIO TV GIVEAWAYS FREE 20 oz. Dark Berry Dr Pepper with Fuel Purchase One through BOB FIM, one through our Glassmere Food Mart facebook page and MINIMUM 12 GALLONS one through customer raffle tickets in store on September18-19 $2.00 Ham & Cheese Sandwich (Drawing will be September 20) CUSTOMER APPRECIATION DAYS Food Mart Springdale, PA 15144 724-715-7746 627 Pittsburgh St Glassmere www.glassmerefoodmart.com/springdale-255-2/ Hot Dogs 2/$1.00 Kielbasa $1.00 Wed., Sept. 18th Thurs., Sept. 19th AOUTSIDE FOOD & ENTERTAINMENT 2.00 OFF Rock Star Samples Turner's Giveaways Red Bull Glassmere Giveaways CHESTER'S BOB FM & Steve Rohan will be here 4-6 PM SA FM Combos on September 18th with giveaways. 96.9 39¢ Turners Tea Pints THREE 55" VIZIO TV GIVEAWAYS FREE 20 oz. Dark Berry Dr Pepper with Fuel Purchase One through BOB FIM, one through our Glassmere Food Mart facebook page and MINIMUM 12 GALLONS one through customer raffle tickets in store on September18-19 $2.00 Ham & Cheese Sandwich (Drawing will be September 20)