Owl Cleaners

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Owl Cleaners is a leading cleaning company based in Warrendale, PA, offering a wide range of professional cleaning services for residential and commercial clients. Family-owned and operated since 1952, Owl Cleaners has seven locations throughout the Pittsburgh area. In addition to garment cleaning and pressing, Owl Cleaners offers a myriad of other services: Home and Office Pick-up and Delivery, Alterations, Couture Care of Fashion, Archival Quality Museum Care (TM) Wedding Gown Preservation, Vintage Textile Restoration, Household Item Cleaning, and Shoe Repair. Owl Cleaners is honored to have been selected as one of America's Best Cleaners. Through its affiliation with America's Best Cleaners, Owl Cleaners is recommended by top designer's such as Escada, Bogner, Ike Behar, Jhane BARNES and L.Gambert shirts. Owl Cleaners is also a member of the Certified Restoration Drycleaning Network (CRDN) which provides emergency services for home owners who experience a disaster, and the Green Business Bureau, the country's leading certification for environmentally-responsible business practices.

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