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  • Published Date

    August 11, 2019
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OCATIONAL ainRTSEMINT Why Haven't Senior Homeowners Been Told These Facts? Keep reading if you own a home in the U.S. and were born before 1957 toyte Aigh odaysHECM n hae been impeoved to peoide en greater fiancial peoon for bomewens, these ae sell many misconcption or eample a lot of people mistakenly beleve the home st be pad odin fall in seder so qualfy HECM ,which is not the a In fact, one kry adntige ofa HECM that the procends will 6n be used to pey off any eiing es on the pperty which frees up cas oa hage being for senes living a fed income Uonly many senir homeowners who might be bener of with HECM l-kows fact ha for many senior citiens in the UUS dheir home is their single higgest aset, oaccoting for moe than 50% of theie total set wth Yt,acconding to new tatictics the mopge isdny, senior homeoners in the US are no siming on more than 6.9 rion daof ued hoe equity Wih pople now living lnger than ever before and home prices back p again igoing this "hidden walhmy prove to be short sighted All dhings coidered, it's o arising that moe nami bocowners have alealy eds ndon evn bother to get moe indonation becase of rno theyw Tr Gde head That's a shame becae HECM are heping AAG gwemest- ined Home Equiy Coowion r Mt otondn&D MongoHECe pd dn Selle lan to tan their home equity in etra cash for timent. Howve tody, thee are il millios of cigible homeowners who many seior homeownes e a beer n fct,ont evey ly American Ahvrises Group (ANGLthe ation wmber one HECM nde found thur over 97% of theit dents ar atisod with theie loans Whle these peial o a t for everyo they can be a neal feer for senior homewnen The cash from a ECMncan Request a FREE Info Kit &DVD Today Call 1-800-790-4869 now. coll benefe from thin FHA-ired be used for any parpose. Mary people loan but may sionply not be awa of heie se Soe ors think HECM loans soond "oo good to be rae Afer you get the ch you ed out of your hene bot you hne no mone monthly mortpge pme It'sa fct moehly ongage payments are requined with a gowes ind HECM lan however the hoewen are stil nesponible for paying for the maintance of thecir home, pperm armoo tha you can make an toes homewes in and nequimd, their HIOA fees Another fact many are ot awar of is thut HECM revene mortpages fint sook hold when Preidene Reagan ed the FHA Revene Morg le31 yean ag is osler to help senior citirens semain in thrir hoes Todas HECM les are simply an effective way for homos 6ind older so get the es cash they eed e the money te sae on inerst dages by patng off oedir cad or other high intrest loans Otber commn u incde making home impemesspaying off meical bisor helping ocher family menben Some people mply need the e c eeveryday eenses while others ane now uing it as aufcty netor financial egcies youe a omeowor age older, you owe it to younelf to isfomed desion You may be pleantly wrprised ly whr you dcover wben you call AAG infotion soday Momeowners who are interested in learning more can request aFREl 2019 Reverser Mortgage Information Kit and DVDby calling tol-free at 1-800-790-4869 w nd nt sat t a d t erm e t MAG an OCATIONAL ainRTSEMINT Why Haven't Senior Homeowners Been Told These Facts? Keep reading if you own a home in the U.S. and were born before 1957 toyte Aigh odaysHECM n hae been impeoved to peoide en greater fiancial peoon for bomewens, these ae sell many misconcption or eample a lot of people mistakenly beleve the home st be pad odin fall in seder so qualfy HECM ,which is not the a In fact, one kry adntige ofa HECM that the procends will 6n be used to pey off any eiing es on the pperty which frees up cas oa hage being for senes living a fed income Uonly many senir homeowners who might be bener of with HECM l-kows fact ha for many senior citiens in the UUS dheir home is their single higgest aset, oaccoting for moe than 50% of theie total set wth Yt,acconding to new tatictics the mopge isdny, senior homeoners in the US are no siming on more than 6.9 rion daof ued hoe equity Wih pople now living lnger than ever before and home prices back p again igoing this "hidden walhmy prove to be short sighted All dhings coidered, it's o arising that moe nami bocowners have alealy eds ndon evn bother to get moe indonation becase of rno theyw Tr Gde head That's a shame becae HECM are heping AAG gwemest- ined Home Equiy Coowion r Mt otondn&D MongoHECe pd dn Selle lan to tan their home equity in etra cash for timent. Howve tody, thee are il millios of cigible homeowners who many seior homeownes e a beer n fct,ont evey ly American Ahvrises Group (ANGLthe ation wmber one HECM nde found thur over 97% of theit dents ar atisod with theie loans Whle these peial o a t for everyo they can be a neal feer for senior homewnen The cash from a ECMncan Request a FREE Info Kit &DVD Today Call 1-800-790-4869 now. coll benefe from thin FHA-ired be used for any parpose. Mary people loan but may sionply not be awa of heie se Soe ors think HECM loans soond "oo good to be rae Afer you get the ch you ed out of your hene bot you hne no mone monthly mortpge pme It'sa fct moehly ongage payments are requined with a gowes ind HECM lan however the hoewen are stil nesponible for paying for the maintance of thecir home, pperm armoo tha you can make an toes homewes in and nequimd, their HIOA fees Another fact many are ot awar of is thut HECM revene mortpages fint sook hold when Preidene Reagan ed the FHA Revene Morg le31 yean ag is osler to help senior citirens semain in thrir hoes Todas HECM les are simply an effective way for homos 6ind older so get the es cash they eed e the money te sae on inerst dages by patng off oedir cad or other high intrest loans Otber commn u incde making home impemesspaying off meical bisor helping ocher family menben Some people mply need the e c eeveryday eenses while others ane now uing it as aufcty netor financial egcies youe a omeowor age older, you owe it to younelf to isfomed desion You may be pleantly wrprised ly whr you dcover wben you call AAG infotion soday Momeowners who are interested in learning more can request aFREl 2019 Reverser Mortgage Information Kit and DVDby calling tol-free at 1-800-790-4869 w nd nt sat t a d t erm e t MAG an